what is up with having curls in stright hair after 2yrs after sugery

ok i had lap rny 2 yrs ago march 29 2004 and had straight as a board hair and now two yrs later my hair has curls in it and is driving me nuts . i am begging for it to be straight . does it have anything to do with the rny i had done    — lizzie72 (posted on March 30, 2006)

March 30, 2006
I had really curly/wavey hair pre-op, now my hair is curlier, go figure.
   — ChristineB

March 30, 2006
Elizabeth, did you lose a lot of hair after your surgery? I know that sometimes when your hair is shaved, it grows back in curly. I wonder if this isn't the same thing.
   — mwilson523

March 30, 2006
My hair has gotten a lot curlier also, it's like ringlets.....I HATE it, it might look good if it was long, but it will take forever to grow. I don't know why this is. I, too, was wondering if it was from weight loss.
   — IAmErikka

March 30, 2006
My brother's hair fell out during cancer treatment and was straight but came back in curly. I had surgery (not bypass) and putting me to sleep caused hair loss. Mine came back in straight but most of it came back in WHITE!
   — Sandy~Diamond

March 30, 2006
I think there are many many things that can cause this. I have always had stick straight hair and ever since my second pregnancy, it's been curly. I didn't notice it getting any curlier after WLS.
   — RebeccaP

March 30, 2006
this happened to me pre-op but i used to have streight hair when i was in my early 20's and then in my mid 20's my hair is so curly its unbelievable!! i think its just body changes.
   — shellypoe

March 30, 2006
This happened to me as well. I had that trendy long bone-straight hair and then had surgery. I ended up cutting it a bit to hide the hair loss, and it grew back in wavy!! I actually don't mind it in some ways because if I am short of time in the morning I can just run some water through it and go and not worry about bed head, but I really like the straight styles too. You CAN get a straightening perm though - they are out there if you look. They don't recommend you do it on dyed hair, but some places will if it's not too over-processed. I'm waiting for mine to grow in longer and am contemplating getting one myself... In the meantime, have fun experimenting with the curlier looks! Jennifer
   — j_coulter

April 14, 2006
ROFLMAO. I had "wavy, thick" hair before the surgery, and i now have Shirley Temple curls. The closest info i could find when i researched it is the shock to the system from the surgery and the nutrition changes the follicle shape from one that produces straight hair, to one that produces curly. Have fun with it!
   — sweetmana

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