Have you expericened this?

I had surgery on 11/09/07 and until now I can find a form of exercise that is right for me, Im so very frustrated!!! It bothers me night and day. I need something that fits in my schedule and that somewhat enjoyable so I can stick with it. Any suggestions?? Anyone go through this after surgery?    — nsh4991 (posted on January 16, 2008)

January 16, 2008
I had the same problem but walking did it for me had surgery 10/22/07 and down 52lbs.
   — campnwego

January 16, 2008
Have you investigated Curves for Women? It takes only 30-40 minutes, it's relatively inexpensive and as you get smaller and stronger, you can improve your cardio as well as build muscle. Very supportive people, all women and no special gym clothes ( except sneakers) required. I love it, and did it even before my surgery... I think I've just celebrated my 4th anniversary with Curves.
   — MusigalF

January 16, 2008
I had surgery on 11.3.07 so we are about at the same stage. I am finding that I just start walking in place in the evening when I get home inbetween dinner and running children and doing chores. It is amazing how a good show that you watch can go by so fast when you are walking in place swing your arms. Something is better than nothing. Just my suggesttion. Good luck. Tracy
   — Tracy07

January 16, 2008
I had surgery on May 10, 2006. I began walking as my exercise. Started out slow, going a few houses away and then back home. Then I began extending the distance in stages. Now, I usually take a walk around the block, 1 1/4 miles, once daily. That works for me. Fresh air, time to think, exercise the dog, and "quiet time" away from the home. Colder weather may prevent that, but a treadmill might be the option in that case. I walk at a comfortable pace, not slow, nor fast. You don't have to go to a gym for exercise. You can also get exercise DVD's you can do in your own home--some have exercises that can be done from a straight back chair, or using just your body weight. These are low impact, and may be a good choice for starting an exercise program.
   — Dave Chambers

January 16, 2008
When I was exercising before, I loved doing the Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds DVD's. They are easy to follow, and all you need is a small space in your house. There are all sorts of variations. I am having surgery next week, and I am looking forward to exercising again (not that I can't do it now, but I will wait!).
   — loisdierlam

January 16, 2008
Had surgery on January 3, 2008 and I am walking, but Tan N Tone and Curves are two great places for exercise as well.
   — ladonna08

January 16, 2008
I have a large family room and I moved the furniture in so I could walk the permiter of the room while watching TV at night. I started off with one half hour show and now I am walking through a one hour show. I just start at the beginninbg of the show and don't stop til it over.
   — William (Bill) wmil

January 16, 2008
Try Curves of Pilaties (sp). Walking is also good. Just try to get moving as much as possible. Good Luck!
   — Ambitious

January 16, 2008
How about yoga. I love it!!!
   — CYIFLY98

January 16, 2008
Yes, I do! I like the Leslie Samone walking tapes. You walk right in your own home. She has many tapes. I started with the DVD with 1 and 2 miles. I now use the three miles DVD. Both came with a strechy band for strengtening the arms and upper torso. Just go to Leslie Samone on the internet. Good luck. pat
   — pjennjr

January 16, 2008
I walk everyday with a co worker on our 20 min break. We can get a mile in.
   — Carlyn M.

January 16, 2008
I found Richard Simmons as a good one, get them off ebay and now Timelife/richardsimmons dvd. if like to dance and like music, I live in a rural area and nearest exercise place is 45 min away.
   — carman

January 16, 2008
I know what you mean. I had my surgery Aug 13, 2007 I did start walking.. I would go to the mall and walk around. It averaged 1 mile so I would go twice if I was having a good day.. but then my depression hit and I stoped exersizing all together and I am just now getting back on track. I found that If there is someone who will go with me I am more inclined to go and work out.. I have been using the treadmill on fast pace and some of the machines that target my tummy and arms.. and of course the legs... Im not sure if you have YMCA around you but if you can not afford it they do have a scholarship program that alowes you to get a yearly pass and sometimes you do not have to pay anything.. I have the scholarship but pay only $5 a month.. It is so well worth it, and who knows maybe you could find someone there in the same position as you.. :) Good luck and God bless you Paula
   — japaad

January 16, 2008
i had surgery 10-15-07 and i have started water areobics at the ymca and i really enjoy it
   — martinez31

January 16, 2008
i had surgery 10-15-07 and i have started water areobics at the ymca and i really enjoy it
   — martinez31

January 16, 2008
I recently had surgery also on Dec. 4, 2007 and i recently joined Contours Express Gym. It's all ladies, and it's circular training, and basically i just sacriface 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a week and walk. The walking did wonders and i felt great even before i joined the gym.
   — lyndayvette

January 16, 2008

   — MrsB

January 17, 2008
I don't really do anything that is traditional structured exercise. On the other hand there are a lot of things you can do that is exercise that doesn't seem like it. I mow the lawn with the push mower, I shovel snow. About 6 weeks after my surgery I painted the whole interior of my house. I line dance a couple nights a week and I tend bar which always keeps me moving. Try to keep busy, it keeps you from thinking about food.
   — KristineMarie

January 17, 2008
Have you tried dancing? Maybe get a iPod and on your lunch break go outside in the parking lot and look very silly dancing for 20 minutes. Then on weekends sign up for a dance class, go to google maps and type in dance, then your area code, you will find the closest place that has dance classes. try salsa or hip hop dance. the YMCA usually has great dance classes too.
   — vickinicole

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