I am 11 months out and out of control. I can not stop eating.

I can tolerate everything. I have lost a total of 70 lbs and have at least 40 more to go. I am so scared i will not reach goal and even worse gain weight. Why can't i just do it? I know what i am suppose to do, yet i do not. I am faithful to my meds and water. Is the honeymoon stage over? It has been 4 months since the scale moved.    — angel4 (posted on March 5, 2008)

March 5, 2008
Sounds like the honeymoon is over and the dreaded will power needs to kick in. Stay focused, dead set on the 40lb goal and not the scale or the food. I completely understand food addiction, I am one myself. It can be done. Don't take your eye off the mark though!! Contact me if you need me!! I have a great book to recommend.
   — bariatricdivalatina

March 5, 2008
I completely understand how you can "tolerate everything", I can too. It's been that way since I hit stage 3. The thing is, use your tool and use your head. You CAN do this. You've come entirely too far to look back and tell yourself anything other than I CAN do this and I WILL do this. Use adjectives when telling yourself what needs to be done. These will be the motivating factors to help you stay on track. You can do this. I'll keep you in my prayers. I truly know how you feel. Email me anytime for any reason, much success to you, Leslie
   — LuvNSummer

March 5, 2008
I kept losing right up till a couple months ago. I am 16 mos out. There were times that I also, did not lose for weeks at a time. It seemed that whenever I ate my meals (weighed and measured protien have 3 oz protein at each meal) and had my snacks the weight loss started up again. Don't forget your fluids. I was 233 and as of today I am 118. Keep track of what you are eating. Best of luck...
   — niecie54

March 5, 2008
you can do this!! stay focused and if you have lost your focus, get back on track. go back to the basics and read over your info you got when planning to have the surgery. there may be small things you have forgotten and important things you have just let slip. reevaluate your diet and start writing down things, because sometimes you are just unaware of what you might be doing wrong and if it's in writing you can see it!! consult with your surgeon and nutritionist and see what ideas they have. How about your activity? are you exercising? how much and how often? maybe you need to increase your exercising or change up your routine a little. these are some suggestions, good luck and i know you can do it- just remember- you lost 70 lbs so you can loose the other 40 it might just be slower and harder, but you can do it!!!! good luck and i hope this helps..Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

March 5, 2008
This may meet with some flames but here is what I discovered. I was considered a "lightweight" with a BMI of 40 and my weight stabilized @ about 6 months out. I am now 9 months out and have to be VERY careful to not gain weight now. I believe this surgery was a gift from God and I don't take it lightly. When I see the scale start to creep up, I take that as a hint that things are starting to get out of control and plan a fast. Usually only one day, maybe two depending on what is going on. There are a lot of good books out on spiritual fasting (not starving yourself for dieting and losing weight, but doing a fast to get back in touch with yourself, to "reboot" yourself so to speak.) There are different kinds of fasts (water & juice only, liquids only, abstain from certain things, etc... it is something YOU plan that will work for YOU. A commitment you make for 24 hours. We can do just about anything for one day.) It helps to see how hungry you really are & to give your organs a break. Although it can be difficult, I've found out that mostly I am not eating out of hunger, but out of the things that got me morbidly obese in the first place; boredom, habit, laziness...etc.. Most spiritual lives have a place for fasting; Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddist, etc... A book I am reading @ the moment is Fasting by Jentezen Franklin. He is a little mystical, but I wanted some guidelines. I wanted to make sure I was doing it "right" and not in my obsessive/compulsive all or nothing way! Anyway, it was just a thought. I am in no way anorexic, my BMI is normal. It is just something the Lord put in my path that seems to help me keep my gift and get focused. If you want to chat feel free to email me @ [email protected] or here @ OH. I still love to eat and have to be careful. We are all just trying to do our best and find our way. We all know it is not 'easy' or we wouldn't have had to seek WLS.
   — MAG

March 5, 2008
I don't think willpower has anything to do with you feeling out of control. I don't feel like any bariatric program helps prepare anyone enough for a life of recovery from overeating. It's an emotional disorder. Get yourself to a good psychiatrist that can help you deal with any issues you may have. I don't mean that you're crazy, just that there are probably a lot of things that lead you to become over 100 lbs overweight that should've been dealt with before surgery. It's not too late though. Work on yourself emotionally and take charge of your life! You will make it! I can't tell you the tremendous changes for the better I have seen in myself. I know when I have the surgery that I am i the right place- body and mind. The surgery is only about your body, not the mind. Good luck. Lynne E.
   — minaque

March 5, 2008
I know exactly how you are feeling; PLEASE take my advice - call the Hospital where you had your surgery, and ask to be connected to the Registered Dietician. Speak with him or her, and asj\k if they can refer you to a Counseler who specializes in counseling people with Compulsive Overeating Disorder. Make an appointment and start seeing a Counseler on a regular basis. Please do this, as it is a matter of emotional and psychological eating, not just hunger. Best wishes!
   — Gina S.

March 5, 2008
Hi Constance, thanks for writing. Girl, breathe! The honeymoon may or may not be over, but the end of your wls journey is not over by a long shot. Hang in there! Wls is a one day at a time journey. Don't consider that the scale has not moved in 4 months. You give enough evidence in your small paragraph to indicate that you are trying to cheat yourself out of losing weight but not being faithful, so I think that is more of an issue than the honeymoon period. Obesity is a head game, and surgery fixes the body, but does not fix the brain. In support group this week our surgeon said (again), I fix your bodies, not your brains, and just because you CAN eat something, does not mean you SHOULD OR HAVE TO EAT IT! Constance, it is a choice you make. Surgery is a tool, abuse it, you suffer the consequences of that decision. You are an adult, and you choose, but don't complain when you don't get the result you want, when you won't follow the rules of the game. I don't mean to be tough, I just want you to know that if you lose weight, it will always be about diet and exercise, and if YOU choose to not do them, then you choose to stay still or gain weight. Now,having said the tough stuff, I had a friend who had wls about 4 months after I did. I lost about 2-3 pounds every week for a year, then a year later lost another 10, then a year later lost another 10. She, on the other hand struggled, and stayed the same for many months, but now, at 4 years out, she is much smaller than me. Her body took a different route, and we both celebrate our successes. Our bodies know when to lose and when to stop. Be faithful, fight for one day at a time, and then celebrate your weight loss, no matter how much it is. Your excess will come off in due time, if you are faithful, if you walk one day at a time, playing by the rules (diet, exercise and water), and don't forget to have a good attitude and celebrate your success, not just worry about what you didn't get, celebrate what you did get! It makes a world of difference in your outlook, your body and your mind. Every one of us fights the same battle you have. I am here to tell you that you can choose to win. But the choice is yours to make. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

March 6, 2008
no the honey moon is not over. you still have the tool so wrok it. learn to eat 6 small portion meals a day so you wont gain weight. if your unable to control it tell your dr. mine had gave me 2 months of diet pills to help control mine and to jump start my weight loss again. i know what your going threw . iam in the same boat as you. . read my pg w3hen you get time.
   — yvettetas

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