Any long-term diabetics go into remission after surgery?

   — susyhoho (posted on August 7, 2008)

August 7, 2008
I don't know how "long term" you mean, but I'd been diabetic since '95. I had DS 10-17-06. I haven't taken any diabetic meds since Jan. '07, and my numbers are great. My primary said that "if" diabetes could be cured, she'd say that I'm cured...Eve
   — scaryreader

August 7, 2008
Hello, I had gastic bypass ob 10/31/07 i am down 140 lbs. I was insulin dependent, but i have not taken insulin since about the 11/2/07 when I left the hospital. I still take oral meds but my A1C has improved every blood test I just had one done last friday and we are hoping it will say I can stop taking all meds for diabetes. But after taking insulin for 15 years I am happy even if I have to contiue on the oral meds. We were told in the seminar, and it was also said on 60 minutes since I had surgery that between 92% to 97% are cured of diabetes. If you have any questions just ask. I wish you well. brad
   — dapoohster38

August 7, 2008
Below are some links you can click on or copy and paste. These were given to me by another OH member. The Bypass Effect On Diabetes, Cancer, Surgery Can Send Diabetes Into Remissio Weight-loss surgery slashes cancer risk - Cancer-
   — Gina S.

August 7, 2008
I posted 2 links in my previous response here. Here is a 3rd, it has a vdeo, it's very informative.
   — Gina S.

August 7, 2008
Try to go online to the network that airs 60 minutes. A few months ago they did a one hour show ststing that new research shows the RNY Gastric Bypass is CURING diabetes. NOT the lap band. Almost 100% are being pronounced cured! This is a radical thought since every doctor until this year, has been trained that there is no cure for it. So a few doctors are hesitant to use the word "cured." This surgery is now beginning to be considered in diabetics who are not overweight in an attempt for a cure. Almost all of us who HAD diabetes are now off all diabetes meds and having great labs. Why would you hesitate? No one can give you a written guarantee. Nancy Carle, RN
   — nancycarle

August 7, 2008
Sorry to be a harbinger of bad news, but I had diabetes for 10yrs or more (discovered 10 years ago but could have been longer) and it did not go away...yet. I did go home from the hospital with no insulin, and I took lots, but I still must take 1000mg of metformin twice a day. I am thrilled to be off insulin, and by the way, I have loads of the humalog pen 25/75 insulin to get rid of...expires end of 09 (contact me at [email protected] for info). My A1C was 6.5 which is the lowest I have had since finding out I had the disease, but Endo. says I am stil diabetic as I am between 85 and 150 on blood sugars. With met. much better. They say in 6 months it should be gone if it is going to go away. God is taking care of it in his own time, whenever that is, and I am trusing. Also watching carbs/sugar still. Also, My cholesterol is the same as before surgery and still on BP meds. Hopefully that will also leave as the meds plus the surgery vitamins are causing a strain on the wallet. CPap is more snoring. Arthritis in knees is also gone. I have lost 48 pounds since my surgery not yet 3 months ago. I feel great, look pretty darn good and am glad I had the surgery, even if it just meant to get off insulin...just hope I never have to go back on that. I would get the surgery if I were you. I would do it in a heart beat, even if I knew before it might not do the whole trick on Diabetes. Lyn Anders
   — SkinnyLynni2B

August 7, 2008
hello, there is so much food for thought here. research is going to be your best friend. reading all of the posts on this site has been so enlightening. i was banded on 06.12.08. i was insulin dependant. i have lost 30 plus lbs. and my numbers totally declined daily for the first 5 weeks. my blood sugars range in the 70's. i don't want to say that i am cured, but i am and have been off all meds since leaving the hospital. my doctor calls it remission. god bless you in your quest for the right information.........steve
   — stevenzak

August 7, 2008
I am not quite sure what you mean by the term, "Long-term diabetics," but I was diagnosed with diabetes for about 5 years before I had the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. I had my surgery on March 1, 2008. On Easter Sunday, March 23rd, I ended up having a HypoGlycemic episode because I was taking TOO MUCH MEDICATION, even though I had dropped ALL of my medication EXCEPT for ONE PILL of GLUCOVANCE! After that, I dropped ALL of my diabetes medication! I had STARTED OUT taking 70 to 80 units of 70-30 humulin a DAY with an OCCASIONAL booster of REGULAR insulin just to keep my blood sugar levels UNDER 200 POINTS! WHILE I was taking 4 PILLS of GLUCOVANCE a DAY! In just 22 DAYS, I went from taking ALL of THAT medication to taking NONE! This was with the VERTICAL SLEEVE GASTRECTOMY! I don't know what the results would be with the Gastric Bypass, I SUSPECT that they would be similar, but then, each person is different and each person's BODY may REACT different to the same situation. How the body would react to a different procedure would be difficult to say. There HAVE been studies done that I have seen that state that SOME doctors are beginning to think that the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy and Weight Loss Surgery in general may be considered a CURE for diabetes, but the medical profession is HESITANT to recommend it without YEARS of studies and PROOF. The medical profession is pretty much ULTRA CONSERVATIVE when it comes to this kind of thing. If they stick their neck out and ENDORSE a procedure, and it suddenly proves DETRIMENTAL, they risk some serious LAWSUITS. You will NOT find many doctors who will take that kind of risk. This is something that you are going to have to decide FOR YOURSELF! Are YOU willing to take that kind of risk? Are you willing to WAIT for the DOCTORS to be SURE that this is SAFE? CAN you wait, or will you be DEAD by that time? YOU may have to be the guinea pig that PROVES that this procedure WORKS! I know that it worked for ME! It has also helped me with a number of OTHER health issues that I have. I suffer from FibroMyalgia, Severe Migraines, Severe Asthma, Arthritis, Sleep Apnea, and several other issues. My FibroMyalgia has improved as has my migraines. They have not been ELIMINATED, but they have improved. My asthma has also improved. I no longer use a cPap machine for my sleep apnea. My Arthritis was nearly eliminated IMMEDIATELY after the surgery. I had not even lost WEIGHT, and I felt about 80% better! Just the reduction in caloric INTAKE seemed to have made a difference! As I lost weight, The arthritis has improved even more. I have lost 96 pounds in 5 months! I have less than 50 pounds to go! The Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy is almost nearly as effective as the Gastric Bypass at helping people lose the weight that they want to lose, but it does so without the malabsorption issues and the other side effects of the Gastric Bypass and is safer. The difference between the two procedures when it comes to losing weight is statistically negligible. The only commonly performed procedure that is more effective is the Duodenal Switch. The Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy can be easily converted to the Duodenal Switch if the need arises, the Gastric Bypass cannot. As it stands, the only reason that I can see for the Gastric Bypass to be continued to be performed is that the insurance companies will PAY for it when many will NOT pay for the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. The reason for this is that it does not have a long track record here in the US. The AMA and the FDA will not often allow drugs and medical procedures to be approved in the US, unless they have been here and tested for a certain length of time. In the case of the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, the time requirement is 10 years. The US medical Practices have not been performing the procedure FOR WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY for that long. They HAVE done it FOR OTHER REASONS for quite a few years LONGER than that, but THAT does NOT COUNT! The powers that BE in the medical profession will not certify the procedure FOR WEIGHT LOSS without 10 years of DATA from US MEDICAL PRACTICES! SOUTH and CENTRAL America, and EUROPE have been doing this procedure for weight loss for quite some time, but the US Medical Industry will not USE THEIR data because they consider it to be UNRELIABLE! As if the US has CORNERED the MARKET on RELIABILITY! We have had a NUMBER of DRUG RECALLS lately due to MANIPULATION of DATA by the DRUG MAKERS! This is a JOKE! SURELY there are places in EUROPE that can be considered RELIABLE? How about GREAT BRITAIN? They have been performing this procedure for quite some time! The upshot is, this procedure has been proven to be SAFE and EFFECTIVE. The insurance companies would be doing themselves a FAVOR by PAYING for it because they would NO LONGER have to pay for all of the FOLLOW UP visits that are required with the GASTRIC BYPASS! This would also BENEFIT the PATIENTS because they would have a BETTER QUALITY of LIFE! They would not NEED to take all of the supplements and have all of the BLOOD WORK done that they REQUIRE regularly with the GASTRIC BYPASS! The Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy is a much simpler procedure. There is much less that can go WRONG with it. Therefore, there are LESS COMPLICATIONS! Less COMPLICATIONS means LESS MONEY spent by the INSURANCE COMPANIES and less TROUBLE for the PATIENT and the DOCTOR! EVERYONE BENEFITS! This is one of the FEW CASES where THAT happens! Sorry for the rant, but I keep hoping that SOMEONE will hear. The most important thing that I can tell you is that you need to do your OWN research. You CANNOT rely on folks on the boards to give you the straight facts. Most everyone is biased toward their OWN procedure. Even I am. There are folks on the board who CLAIM to be "EXPERTS." DON'T be fooled. These people are NOTHING MORE than PATIENTS who have done a BIT of RESEARCH! SOME of them are DANGEROUS! SOME of them promote dangerous habits that are nothing more than a TWISTED version of BULIMIA! ANYONE who promotes EATING HABITS that cause you to "DUMP" is promoting just that, a twisted form of BULIMIA! These folks promote habits that cause people to "dump" the nutritional value of the FOOD of the that was lost and the SUPPLEMENTS that were TAKEN BEFORE you chose to eat to cause "dumping." You also lose the MONETARY value of the food and supplements that were lost due to dumping. The DANGEROUS part is that the NUTRITION that was lost can cause malnutrition. Well, I hope that answers some of your questions, and I hope that helps. Hugh
   — hubarlow

August 7, 2008
I will have by pass on Oct 7, this yr. The doctor said my diabetes type 2 may not go away as I have had it for 12 yrs. But, the hypertension, chance of stroke, heart attack, and all the rest associated with diabetes will be lessened by 90%. To me that is worth the operation. I will go from 20 pills a day to between 2-4 pills a day. I can't wait for this to happen. My endocrinologist says my diabetes will be gone. Both doctors are brilliant and tops in their fields, so it will be interesting to find out which one is right. But meanwhile the meds I take will be less and so will the probability of me having a stroke etc will be lessened. Good Luck, mrs
   — Mich44

August 7, 2008
I was type 2 diabetic for 7 yrs and on medication. I had the bypass 15 months ago and have lost a total of 150 pounds. I came home from the hospital off my medication and I have had great sugar levels ever since. It was the best choice I ever made. Good luck!
   — Alvernlaw

August 8, 2008
Hi, there are tons of statistics out there. If you go to the new england journal of medicine website and search on bariatric surgery, there are many articles, the best is the recently completed european study that is the biggest study ever done. They have actual numbers and percentages. It is a life saver for many of us with diabetes.
   — brindledanes

August 8, 2008
I had RNY on August 22, 2006. 3 yrs prior to that, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, my PCP prescribed Metformin. The day after my surgery, the surgeon took me off 98% of my meds and I am no longer diabetic, my blood sugars have been running any where between 92- 96. I am 300 lbs less from when I started this incredible journey. Peggy
   — DBlazer325

August 9, 2008
I had type 2 diabetes for over 10 years, was sometimes fairly well controlled with diet and meds, sometimes not, depending on how I did with my yo-yo dieting. Had lap RNY in February. My AIC is in the low 6s. Last took diabetes meds the day before surgery & haven't needed them since. And my blood pressure is normal & am off those meds. And off the lipitor, although my numbers aren't great and may eventually have to go back on that. I've been very fortunate. Have struggled with what I can/can't eat, and the list of foods can't eat is longer than I thought would be, and it's harder than I thought it would be, but i'm healthier and feel better and would do it all over again without a second thought. Good luck to you whatever you do.
   — Susan C.

August 9, 2008
Hi Sue. I can't comment on the long-term diabetes issue but I just wanted to say that I had Lap RNY w/Dr. Williams on 2/21/08 (down 91 lbs. and counting). I felt that Dr. Williams, his staff and The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania took very good care of me. His assistant, Irina, is terrific. She knows everything about guiding you through the insurance, leave of absence from work and short term disability process. If I had one complaint, it would be that I haven't seen Dr. Williams since the surgery. While my post-op care was directed by him, it was and has been executed by his team. They have performed marvelously but it would be nice to see the doctor himself. Other than that, I am truly happy that I ended up at HUP w/Dr. Williams and his team. Feel free to contact me if I can be of assistance. Good luck to you as you begin your journey!
   — dsmuffin

August 9, 2008
Hi Sue I was type 2 diabetic before my surgery 5/28/08. I had RNY and since leaving the hospital have been totally off my meds. Although I wasnt on insulin before, just oral meds, I found that my blood results improved dramatically. However, one thing I did realize, is that it is also still about what you eat. Thinking about the changes I guess my blood is ok because I dont eat sugar - at all - and my carb count is very low. For me this worked. Hope your surgery goes well - trust me, if for nothing else, you will start to feel great again (no high blood pressure, no back pain, no knee pain, energy to run after my kids and I have only lost 47lb so far - can't wait to see what the rest of the weight loss brings!)
   — Orlie

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