6months postop from lapband 6ml in band and having throat pain

Terrible throat pain for almost a week and my band does not feel inflated. Has anyone heard that the band can cause your throat to have pain if acid is coming up? Please help!    — bethuabgrad (posted on January 29, 2009)

January 29, 2009
Dear Beth, In 2001 I had the lapband surgery, and 1 year later I began suddenly to have fever and pain in my esophogus area. I went to the emergency room...they did a scope...found that the band had eroded into my stomach...and I had a terrible infection as a result. The band was well as the valve. I am thankful to be alive. PLEASE see your doctor!!! or better yet, go to the emergency room! Check it shouldn't be having such pain! Please let me know how you are. Brenda
   — Brenda Ashcraft

January 30, 2009
I had lapband surgery 11/2006 and in Feb.2008 I thought I had the flu and started a 10 day prescription of antibotics and within 14 days I had tenderness to the port area and was told nothing was wrong, so I went to primary doctor that said I might be getting a hernia and within 4 more days was in emergency room with infection that was coming from the stomach because the band broke thru the stomach and infection was coming down the band and came out the port. I had a baseball size infection on the outside of my stomach that eventually burst and I had to be on antibotics until the band was removed the end of April. So I would say go to the emergency room if you can't get an answer, I was very lucky the infection came to the outside of my body and did not go through my system.
   — sh7028

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