pre op and post op diet

Does anyone know where to get the stuff for the liquid diet. I'm not sure where to buy the jello and popsicles etc. Would Meyers carry that stuff.    — cuppaloopy (posted on October 13, 2009)

October 13, 2009
i am on the liquid pre-op diet now. NOT FUN! Oh well, it will be well worth it. Sugar free popsicles, fudgesicles, jello, broth, bouillion, Meyers would have all of that. Any grocery. Good Luck, and hang in there!
   — emilyherod

October 14, 2009
I got alot of my liquid diet stuff at walmart
   — grasstango

October 14, 2009
Your surgeon's office can usually tell you where to obtain what you need as they have other patients who live in your area. Meijers most likely would carry the sugar free Jello and popsicles. I used Atkins Advantage shakes which I bought at Wal Mart. Hope this helps.
   — rkurquhart

October 14, 2009
You can get them from Wal-Mart/Sam's Club those are the 2 places i went to. But be careful with the SF stuff aspartame and saccharin are really really really i can't stress that enough REALLY!!!! bad for you instead try using raw natural cane sugar or raw natural honey. You can go to a website called and just so you know I am in no way affiliated nor receive any monetary compensation from them just someone looking out for the health of others the way somebody took the time out to look out for mine. I guess I am just paying it forward. And also you can check out the video Aspartame:The sweet misery i think you can find it on Google Video or maybe even youtube but definitely for your sake and your healths sake give it a try. BTW i had my surgery on 4/20/09 i weighed something like 425lbs. i was walking with one foot in the grave and today i weigh 275 and i attribute it to the total change in my lifestyle thanks to all this information that exposed the lies of the food industry. definitely worth checking out but remember whether you do or don't check out the websites steer clear of artificial sweeteners they are dangerous and toxic poisons good luck to you and god bless
   — JaVin70

October 14, 2009
Try or Both companies have shakes, puddings, protein bars, protein snacks, soups, oatmeal, etc. These companies are geared towards Weight Loss Surgery Patients. Their foods are high in both protein and vitamins, but low in calories and fat. They are a good resource for later on as well. It is nice to know where to get nutritious snacks with protein for those times when you need them. I hope that helps. God Bless.
   — KimM

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