How important is the Centers of Excellence?

I am considering having my surgery at the Barix Clinic but I dont think its a Center of Excellence but have excellent results with WLS. Im a nurse and chose them because of the surgeons technique. How important is it to have surgery at a Center of Excellence or is chosing the surgeon you want just as important?    — T. Preston (posted on November 29, 2009)

November 29, 2009
Center Of Excellence,is maditory for medicare,and some insurance. The best advice research all 4 surgeries,DS,RNY,SLEEVE,BAND,you need to know what,s best for you. Before you jump (some) wls surgeries,gain weight back 3 to 10 years,some are causing nerve problems,some you cannot take nsaids meds,some have better result with curring diabeties,Some does better with gerd and ect... It,s not one surgery cures all.
   — rebecca W.

November 29, 2009
My surgeon works out of a Center of Excellence, but that was not what made my decision to use him. I just happened to know a few people that used him with great results and my research on the surgeon himself is what helped make my decision.
   — Julz3170

November 29, 2009
I have to agree with Rebecca. I am scheduled to have RNY surgery on December 3rd at a Barix Clinic. It was cancelled once before because they needed more tests and then it took me a few months to reschedule. However, I just found out that I have a kidney infection so I am most likely going to have to cancel again. But the difference this time is that I've been looking into other clinics/locations/surgeons etc and of course procedures, and like Rebecca, I think I am going to pursue the DS instead of the RNY. It just seems like the better choice for me as I have a very high BMI and I need to use NSAIDS. My best advice is to follow your gutt instinct.
   — Dandy_DeeDee

November 29, 2009
I am constantly doing research and taking everything into consideration before my final decision. I have great insurance and it just took 3 weeks to get approved. In the meantime, it has happened faster than the completion of my research. Thanks for the great advice.
   — T. Preston

November 30, 2009
My Dr is a Center Of Excellence Dr, and he is just fabulous. I would not go to any Dr that isn't the Center Of Excellence.
   — FSUMom

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