Does cellulite go away?

Did a search in library, not a whole lot there. Does cellulite lessen or go away when you get closer to goal? I don't care much for the dimpling!    — Cheri M. (posted on April 30, 2002)

April 30, 2002
God, I hope so... I wish us both luck.. I wished I had an answer for you. I think this is one of the best questions I have ever seen. Good Luck!
   — Kim S.

April 30, 2002
I can't speak from experience, but I don't think it does. I think I once read that even on thin women it doesn't go away with working out. Man, oh man...I hope I am wrong. If anyone out there knows, PLEASE tell me I am wrong!
   — PaulaM

April 30, 2002
Personally, mine is worse.
   — Danmark

April 30, 2002
I have to go with Daniel here, mine is worse also, saggy skin, cellulite, kinda goes with the territory of losing weight quickly. Thank God for clothes!!!!!!!LOL
   — Carey N.

April 30, 2002
I started walking 5 days a week in January. At the first part of March, the cellulite on the backs of my legs looked terrible!!! It was from my butt to my knees. I've still been on my walking program and I can say that when I looked in the mirror a week ago, most of the cellulite was gone from my knees to my upper thighs!! Walking certainly seemed to help in my case.
   — Patty H.

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