Almost 3 months post op-- joined the gym

By doing weight training 3 times per week, I am loosing inches, etc. My question is, does weight training cause lean muscle which could result in a few added pounds? I have heard that I shouldn't pay as much attention to the pounds. Is this true?    — mjemerle (posted on January 30, 2006)

January 29, 2006
When most people join a gym, they expect results immediately and that is typically why they quit their fitness routine in the first three months. Muscle essentially weighs the same as fat, a pound is a pound. It is more condnese though and thus why you will lost inches. Success is based more on the number on the scale. I have lost 63 pounds and over 70 inches. I am making postive food changes and my fitness levels are increasing. Look for your positive changes and focus on those. You are doing great, keep it up.
   — DoDo

January 29, 2006
Yes it does. I have been doing the same thing and have been at a steady 198 pounds for about six weeks. The good news is that my lean body weight, muscle, is increasing and my fat weight is going down. Our bariatric center has this machine that can separate all those weights including water, anyway, even though my weight is the same it is better to have the lean muscle weight over the fat...that is according to the dieticians that run the joint! Good luck Buffy!
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 30, 2006
It does, but not as much as you might think. After doing weight training 5x/week for six months, I had added 3 lb lean muscle mass. It is a slow process, and unless you're a bodybuilder, it doesn't make that much difference, weight-wise. The real benefit for us comes in heightened metabolism.
   — Jeanie

January 30, 2006
I am also 3mos post op and was exercising prior to the surgery. Initially you may gain a few extra pounds, because muscle weighs more than fat. After you body becomes used to the lfting you will resume the weight loss again. Increasing the muscle mass helps you to burn the fat evetually more effiecently, even while resting. Also increase healthy bone mass and he;ps considerably with the possible loose skin issue. Also; don't feel hesitant about increasing the weight as you become stronger. We women for the most part can not bulk up like men. We don't produce the samr levels of testosterone to make that a concern!! Happy Lifting! Make sure you check with your surgeon before hand; we don't want a Hernia!
   — robin.s2000

January 30, 2006
I am also 3mos post op and was exercising prior to the surgery. Initially you may gain a few extra pounds, because muscle weighs more than fat. After you body becomes used to the lfting you will resume the weight loss again. Increasing the muscle mass helps you to burn the fat evetually more effiecently, even while resting. Also increase healthy bone mass and he;ps considerably with the possible loose skin issue. Also; don't feel hesitant about increasing the weight as you become stronger. We women for the most part can not bulk up like men. We don't produce the samr levels of testosterone to make that a concern!! Happy Lifting! Make sure you check with your surgeon before hand; we don't want a Hernia!
   — robin.s2000

January 30, 2006
I am also 3mos post op and was exercising prior to the surgery. Initially you may gain a few extra pounds, because muscle weighs more than fat. After you body becomes used to the lfting you will resume the weight loss again. Increasing the muscle mass helps you to burn the fat evetually more effiecently, even while resting. Also increase healthy bone mass and he;ps considerably with the possible loose skin issue. Also; don't feel hesitant about increasing the weight as you become stronger. We women for the most part can not bulk up like men. We don't produce the samr levels of testosterone to make that a concern!! Happy Lifting! Make sure you check with your surgeon before hand; we don't want a Hernia!
   — robin.s2000

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