2 weeks post op Lap Band

I had a lap band two weeks ago. My stomach feels full alot and is uncomfortable most the time, like I have to burp but can't. Is this normal and will it go away??    — kendalyne (posted on February 7, 2007)

February 7, 2007
oh no i don't know but i'm trying to get lap band to can you keep in touch with me and let me know if it get's better. i hope it does. and how long did it take to get the actual surgery. they already said my insurance pays 100% and i had more than enough dr's medical records. my home is [email protected] my email address. i hope you can find time to let me know how you do. and i want to know all the steps it took to get the surgery. get better soon. my name on oh is mssrhand talk soon, sharon
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 7, 2007
Aloha! I had a lap band done on 9-5-06. I find that if I eat or drink too fast or too much, I feel very uncomfortable. Take it easy on the full liquids. Drink slowly and enjoy! It does get better. Hang in there. If it doesn't get better, call your doc. No carbonated beverages. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
   — gtali1954

February 7, 2007
Ot's three possibilities, your eatting too much, your eatting too fast or your not chewing enough to liquidfy your food as it digests. It could also be a combination of there or all of them. Use Baby spoons & forks plus put them down between bites.
   — Michael Eak

February 14, 2007
I have the lapband. At two wks I felt the same way. You are still healing. Sometimes you may only be able to take a couple of sips of liquid. It will get better. The best thing to do is listen to your body. You may also still have a lot of gas as well. You may fell swollen and a little sore but you need to walk to. If you have to walk slow at first but walk. It helps you push the gas out. You'll be fine. Your body is going to go through so many changes. let me know if you have anymore questions.
   — jamjam

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