
Large intestine with diverticulitus and having a flare up 2 days before surgery. What to do?    — KatfrmChatt (posted on March 11, 2007)

March 11, 2007
Call your surgeon and see what he wants to do. You don't know if this will effect the outcome of your surgery and you don't want anything bad to happen.. you want to be your healthiest going into any major surgery.... good luck.
   — Kari_K

March 11, 2007
I have pre-op and post-op experience with this. Flagyl and Cipro is what you'll be put on, usually...and it's a heavy amount for 10 least for me. I believe they would want it cleared up before surgery. You hate to have it AFTER and I'm not sure about the meds...ask your doc.
   — Kayla

March 12, 2007
Stress of surgery can do that:( I have it too, inherited. Doc says stress is terrible for this disease.
   — bob-haller

March 12, 2007
Anything that puts your surgery at risk, you need to call your surgeon right away. Don't fool around with possible complications in surgery. Call them. Patricia P
   — Patricia P

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