Is the emotionally roller coaster I'm on before surgery normal?

I'm 32 years old and scheduled to have the RNY on April 9th, 2008, just a few days after my birthday. I was so excited when I go the news about my insurance going though. And now that a date has been set, one minute I'm ok and the next I'm scared to death. I've also never had surgery before. Is it just me or is this normal?    — Shamrock13 (posted on March 23, 2008)

March 23, 2008
Absolutely, this is a big life change. If you were going into it and not thinking about it I think that may be a problem. I went through the same kind of thing. I had doubts on my decision to have the surgery but after all the research and pre-education on the surgery and it's benefits, for me, I knew it was the right thing to do. If possible, go to a support group meeting, talk to some more people. I've yet to hear even one person say they regret having the surgery. My only regret... not having done it sooner. Good Luck and all my prayers, Leslie
   — LuvNSummer

March 23, 2008
I was not on a rollercoaster, as my surgery was approved pretty quickly. But I was nervous the day before surgery. I'd only had minor surgery for heel spurs in the past, and had stitches at the ER, stuff like that. But this was my first major surgery. But, the morning I woke up and was ready to go. I even had the ability to remember to take last minute photos of me before leaving the home. You'll want to photograph yourself to document the weight loss process. I was 59 at time of surgery.
   — Dave Chambers

March 23, 2008
Hi - No- your pefectly Normal. first of all; Congrats on your surgery date. and Happy soon to be 33 Birthday! I remember an 8 yr. old girl, who was going to have her tonsils out, and told the Nurse; I promise I won't wet the bed- well she did, and you know who that girl was-Me.. even for my very first surgey, and 8 yrs. old, i thought i would be so tough, and as it turned out, i wasen't. and many surgeries since, now at 48, i too was just like you. happy, sad, happy if this is what you truely want, and use your tool, in all the best way's you can. it is very normal to have mixed emotions- not only for a surgery, but how many other little or big battles have we done this? I wish you the vey best of luck.. and will be praying for you, and waiting for you over here on the "losers - side" Keep the faith... God Bless
   — kimcrain

March 23, 2008
Of course you should have flip flopping emotions - that's what makes this step so important and worthwhile. If it was just another thing - anyone could do it! :-) I was 47 when I had mine - first surgery since tonsils in 1964 - it sounds and seems a lot scarier than it is. I slept thru mine! You'll be fine, and congratulations. Visit us often.
   — 29Diesel

March 23, 2008
I'm just starting the process (getting all the necessary documentation, tests, etc), and I go through this frequently. I'm not afraid of the surgery per se, just the finality of it, if that makes sense. My husband and I are both going to have the surgery (as well as 2 friends of ours), and we've been researching both the quantitative and qualitative information out there for about a year and a half. It seems like everyone goes through this -- it's a big decision! Your life is going to be changing in ways you never imagined. Some will be not so fun, but overall, you will have a better quality of life. Just be sure to keep talking to your friends and loved ones and doctors; keep up lines of communication. And we'll be here too!
   — Tulabean

March 23, 2008
Hi and congrats...I am scheduled for surgery ON MY BIRTHDAY....May 5th...I chose this date for various reasons and have decided it will be my new birthday for my new life...right now I am ecstatic, worried, anxious and is a very serious life changing decision and I am convinced mt pro list is so much lengthier than my con list...try to look forward to this new beginning...visualize yourself as you want to see yourself and keep thinking positive thoughts...we could be each others ANGEL if you like... :) email me if you so desire....Hugs....Heidi
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 23, 2008
had mine feb 7 08 and went through the same rollercoaster of emotions. But I will say one thing, surgery, like marriage is important and you must be ready. If you don't have a good feeling about it, wait. You can always do it when you are ready. Good luck!
   — Jeanne Aldrich

March 23, 2008
Everyone goes through the emotions your going through you get nervous and then your happy so it's natural to go through what your feeling.
   — 2409w.poplar_rodriguez

March 23, 2008
feel free to visit my page, had some thoughts you might find relative. Brian
   — johndough

March 23, 2008
I was very scared right up to the time the slipped me something to sleep, so I never remember go to or from surgery. The reason is most surgery's are not elective, meaning we have an emergency and it is into surgery without much thought to save our life. THis is the same thing, except this is elective to save our life. We just don't always realize it is life saving until we are all through it and living a normal life several months later doing things we never could before like going to the gym. Best of sucess to you. You are young and will do great. I was 62; not that was scarry!
   — William (Bill) wmil

March 23, 2008
Congrats :) I am playing the waiting game. Just need my date. I have went through the same things. Like everyone else said it is normal. Visit Brians page he help me:) Happy Easter also happy B-Day
   — ronni5468

March 23, 2008
This makes me remember how totally MENTALLY I felt prepared for childbirth...Then the doc said c section and my mind said fine, I know what thats about and all the same time my whole body started to shake uncontrollably...My BODY was of a different opinion....Ride it out ...all will be well...just keep busy and have a little and luck to you
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 23, 2008
You have the right to be on a rollercoster. One minute I was happy next I was crying, I was scared to death, but I am glad I did it. If you like caffine wean yourself off now, that was my only problem. mayor headache from it. It is very normal just take it one day at time and you will do fine. good luck
   — carman

March 23, 2008
I am so glad you asked this question as I am feeling how your are. My date is 4/1 and I also have never had any surgery of any kind. I think I was most afraid of the anethesia than anything else. After reading those who answered to your posting it definately looks like we are normal. It is an emotional roller coaster. My excitement is taking over my fear as we count the days away - 1 week!!! I can not wait for my new life to begin!
   — Wanda R.

March 23, 2008
Someone already said it but they were right. I haven't heard of anyone regretting it. I believe your fear comes from surgery itself. I was afraid to be put under too. I have two little boys I didn't want to leave. It saved my life to have RNY. And now I really get to be with them. I would have had a harder time sliding in the snow with them but now I can do it all again.
   — angelabailey

March 24, 2008
It is normal to be a little anxious, but as one who has had 26 surgeries in my life (I'm 65), and will be having RNY on March 31, I can honestly say it's a piece of cake. I always think just having the IV put in is the worst and before you can blink an eye it will all be over. You'll do fine and will be in our prayers!
   — ShirleyF

March 24, 2008
HI there!! My nameis Ginel too, (just spelled differently) and I'm schedualed for RNY on April 8th!! I think what your're going through is completely normal. I've never had major surgery either, so I'm a little afraid about the pain and discomfort, but I am SO looking forward to NOT having the discomfort caused by my extra weight! I am very excited, and really can't wait to have this 2 weeks over with!! I figure this 2 weeks of the liquid diet will be the hardest part!! Of coarse this is an emotional time for us...we're giving up our number 1 source of comfort and our best friend! But I know that once we're on the loser's side and we see how great our new lives can be we will have no regrets!! Hang in there girlie!! Please feel free to write me!!
   — nellybelle

March 24, 2008
I know exactly how you feel. Those who don't feel anything aren't truly educated or thinkng about what is going to happen during and after surgery. Being terrified was my biggest emotion and now, one month after surgery that was nothing compared to my daily struggle of TRULY working the tool that I have. You are feeling absolutely normal. Once the tell you to count backwords you will be awake. It's funny how fast it really is. I wish you the best of luck and will keep you in my thoughts. Just to reiterate how much I know how you feel I always go into surgery in tears from the fear that I have of anesthesia. So just keep thinking about your healthy future adn how much more beautiful you are going to be!!
   — KristinaSilvasy

March 24, 2008
Janelle, Oh my gosh, what you are going through is so normal! I have had many other surgeries and that morning I had an anxious moment! It was fine, I did fine and you will too! Just ask questions when you have them! This surgery will change your life and you! It's a good thing! Just do what you are told and take the vitamins they tell you to and you will be fine! GOd bless and keep up your blogs to let us know how you are doing. Lori in MIchigan
   — reretheplaylady

March 24, 2008
Janelle, this is very normal. You can combat your anxiety with facts. Buy a book or two. I got one as a testimonial and one from the surgeon perspective. It is a life change. You are taking risks, and you have to accept that, but if your surgeon is good and has done these surgeries for quite some time, you have a good chance of no big complications. Just start preparing for these changes in your life. You have to be pro active. Take care Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

March 24, 2008
I work in the operating room...and as I tell my patients....I would be more concerned if you were not woried about surgery..but relax all will be fine!!!!
   — mikiej72

March 25, 2008
Congrats on your surgery date. I too had mixed emotions. I think everyone does. Just keep educating yourself on your procedure. Read everything there is. I've ordered books and still do about the gastric bypass. There are recipe books, books to help keep the weight off, life after gastric bypass etc. I just kept reading and reading and when it was time for my surgery I knew that I wanted this and felt very comfortable with my decision no matter what people said to me about it. I couldn't believe how calm I was that day. And after the surgery I've done eveything by the book. I am just about 16 mos out and have lost 115 lbs....What a journey....Best of Luck....
   — niecie54

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