
hi..I has surgery in Dec 07 and finally after months of eating healthy and exercise I have lost 50 pounds. Before surgery my bra size was 46F and now after losing 50 pounds I wear a 42DD. Most people say that when you lose weight their breasts seem to be the first thing to go... I keep waiting and hoping to lose them and there still big as ever. Does anyone have any exercises that make them shrink faster. I know this is a weird question but any suggestions would help    — willish (posted on September 3, 2008)

September 3, 2008
I can't help you with your exact question but I did have breast reduction surgery 5 years ago and it was a life-changing event! I don't miss those giant things for anything! (they removed almost 13 pounds!) But pick your surgeon wisely! Mine was a quack! But my back pain was gone immediately and this was all before my wls which was just 3 months ago!
   — GlitterGal

September 3, 2008
I as well cannot answer this question. My surgery is Sept. 15th and I am hoping to lose some breastage. Ooops I mean ALOT of breastage. I am a 50 GGG/HHH. I went in to consult on a breast reduction 2 years ago and they wouldnt even touch me! Because my chest was toooooo big. The surgeon recommended bariatric surgery and then to come back and have a reduction done. So I am assuming that I will lose some, but will definitely be in need of a reduction later on, probably another 2 years or so. I would think any type of upper body workouts would help some though. Otherwise, at this time I am uncertain as to what might help.
   — bicngillette

September 3, 2008
I started at a 44DD 11 weeks ago, I am down to a 40DD. I really hope I dont lose mine too much, just seems I am losing inches instead of cup. Hopefully I can get them lifted though because they arent exactly standing at attention! :)
   — Kimberlin Katayama

September 3, 2008
I have lost 100 lbs since December 17th and have gone from a 44D to a 38D. I haven't lost any cup size that I can tell but it sure looks like a mess inside that bra. It used to be that i put them puppies in there and that was it. Now I have to twist and turn and mash and mush and stand on my head to even get them to look like a whole boob. Them suckers just don't want to take shape at all. They look like boob (tube) socks.
   — Breathin4him

September 3, 2008
I am dead serious as I write this- Can you give them to me??? I was banded 8/22/08- lost 16 lbs so far and it has all been in my boobs!!!! I already went from a 42c to a 40b??!!! I am so upset... i miss them... isn't life funny some would do anything for them and some want them gone... seriously though- look into a reduction- i hear they do a wonderful job!
   — munchiesmama

September 3, 2008
I started. @ 54DD, now I'm 36C
   — scaryreader

September 3, 2008
My boobs took a while to start deflating. Started out at a 46 J/K and I'm in a 36 D now, though most of it is skin. I think if they were tight and perky they'd probably be a B cup. Don't worry, they'll shrink and and as a bonus, lengthen!
   — Lauren003

September 3, 2008
What I know is breast tissue is predominantly fat, and the purpose of breasts are to nurse infants. Our bodies are made to hold on to the hips and breasts because we need it to bear and nurse children. So, that being said, you may lose some size, but after losing weight, you may need a reduction.
   — janpmck

September 3, 2008
I can't wait to lose my boobs.......I was going to have breast reduction, but since the wls I'm hoping to lose them. They are starting to shrink, but that enough. I believe that wls will cause some shrinking, but you may need breast reduction. These are funny answers, but I feel your pain.
   — Toby2

September 3, 2008
One thing to remember is that some of us are just bigger. My Doctor told me that if you were larger before you gained weight you will not shrink that much. I don't want to loose mine so this was good news for me. Since I was a large 42D before I gained weight he said that I shouldn't get much below that after the weight loss.
   — phyllismmay

September 3, 2008
Hey there...I had surgery 2/20/08 and have also lost 50 lbs. I started out with 48DDs and when my bras did not seem to be fitting right I went to get measured. The clerk said I still wear 48DD! I said but it does not fit right...anyway I say all of that to say try pushups...they work the chest muscles and will eventually tighten the bust area. I use the chest press machine but also do pushups off the counter. You just kinda lean in to the counter and do them.,,much easier than getting on the floor. Hope this helps!
   — Gods_destiny

September 3, 2008
LOL...Amy took the words out of my mouth...I was gonna ask if I could have a little for me! I was a 44DD...Now I'm about a 38D...but they're soooo saggy. I tell my husband I have Granny boobs! I also sing a little song in my head based on a children's song my younger sister used to sing in kindergarten...her song was talking about ears...Sing along if you know it! : ) 'Do your boobs hang low? Do they wobble to and fro? Can you throw them over your shoulder? Can you tie them in a bow? Do your boobs hang low?!' Can't remember the rest of the song...but trust me...I mentally sing it regularly. I can't wait to have some of my plastics to put the girls back where they belong! I'm OK w/the size...just the 'shape' I want to fix!
   — Hollywog

September 4, 2008
I also do not want to lose my breast size, I always had dd's even when I was a very thin teenager, I have lost 86 pounds since May 12th and my boobs are the same cup size but I always tell my friends that I used to have melons now I have fruit roll ups!! I love the comment from Theresa that made me chuckle! good luck with your wish to lose them but it probably won't happen with out a reduction.
   — carol66

September 4, 2008
You are not alone when i lost the weight myself was 565 now i weigh 254 since 2004 and still losing so believe me i know what the large breast problem is all about / listen this may sound crazy but playtex bras are the best for support and i will let you on a little secret your brest are really sometimes the last to really go because you are now losing stomach fat which is making your breast sagg a little push come to shove consult or look into a brest reduction ask your doctor for a referral. someone who cares and understands alice
   — alicep1964

September 4, 2008
I don't get why you think going from a 46F to a 42DD means they are still big as ever. That is a pretty significant change for 50 lbs. They will continue to shrink. I have lost 78 lb and can't seem to keep bras that fit. Never fear. The boobies will say bye-bye.
   — corky1057

September 4, 2008
OK, now that I've read everyone else's response I'm still singing "Do your boobs hang low?" How appropriate! I started out a 44C before my surgery which was 3/27/08, since then I have lost 70 lbs and I now where a 36B. Which is absolutely fine with me. I was definitely one of those women who have lost weight starting from the neck down. But I am only 5'1", so I needed to lose everywhere! I have gone and been measured for a new bra at a SOMA store. They are wonderful in helping find a bra that fits you. I was still trying to where my 44C bra's and had nothing to put in them! Good Luck.
   — irish4girl

September 4, 2008
Sorry, Girls but the only thing that happen's is they Deflate. I was a 50DD then now 4 yrs later and 292 pound's lighter my boob's are flat and hanging I may be a 32 B if you stuff all the skin in the bra.
   — pam74

September 4, 2008
Don't worry - they will definately shrink. I have lost 200+ pounds and am at goal weight after lap RNY (144 lbs now down from 350). It took me a year and 3 months to lose the weight. I went from a 46G to a now 34C or D. Never fear - it will happen. :-) Mine didn't go right away - it took time.
   — waferqueen

September 4, 2008
I recommend breast reduction surgery. Diet and exercise probably won't help much since those puppies are not muscular but fundamentally fatty to begin with.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 7, 2008
I also had breast reduction. I went from a 38L to 38 C-D. When I had RNY surgery 3 years later I was a 38DD. Kept growing. I am now 6 mos. post-op and down 85 lbs. I am a 36DD. Sadly there are no exercises to loose in any part of your body. Spot reducing is a myth. I know because I have a Master's degree in exercise physiology. You just have to keep loosing weight (your body is genetically predetermined on the areas it will loose weight first, middle and last). Eventually your breasts will start to shrink. If they don't reduction is an option. In order for insurance to pay for it you have to have at least 3 lbs. to be taken out. They took 5 lbs. out of me. Good luck, Paula P.
   — paulajaneb

September 7, 2008
Ladies let me tell you this, I loved my girls, yes I wanted them to be a little smaller I was a 46 DDD now I am a 36 DD and my nippies are at my belly button sorry to be so graphic but I wanted you to know the truth. I have tried push-ups, pull-ups, stand-ups what ever ups and the old girls still look just that old, OLD. So the cliche be careful what you wish for think about it.
   — noreale

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