What do I need to bring to hospital

Please advise what I should bring with me to the hospital and any tips that will help me during my stay and when I get home.I am having OPEN RNY.Thanks in advance.Please saya prayer for me!    — Lori M. (posted on January 2, 2009)

January 2, 2009
The most important thing are large wipettes that you can purchase that are usually by the feminine pad section in Walmart etc. You need something that you can clean your private area with easily that can be thrown away. Also, if you have your own pillow that would have been really nice to have.
   — nofrogs29

January 2, 2009
I read your bio and was just wondering how you decided on an open RNY. They do have the lap RNY that is less invasive. I also heard that the sleeve is great. I am a lap bander and I have been lucky to have had no problems with it at all. I wish you all the best and hope that your health will improve. Susan
   — susangielda06

January 2, 2009
non petroleum lip balm such as SoftLips...petroleum is not safe for use around oxegen. Wipes...I took fabric spray in a soothing scent...a favorite pillow...sanitary products of your choice since surgery tends to cause your cycle to start...a book...comfy house slippers with really really good non skid bottoms. Pajama pants or shorts with a nice loose waist. I couldn't wait to get to cover my rear end! Make sure to ask your doctor for an elastic band to cover your stomach for support. It really does wonders to help ease the pain when walking. (I also had an open RNY) An ipod if you have one. Music is theraputic and calming The more calm you are the less pain meds you'll need. Get up and walk as soon as they say you can. It'll be a day or so before your abdomin blows up with gas, but when it does that walking will be the only thing that will really offer any relief. Your surgeon may allow gas medicine. Mine did not. Minty gum if your surgeon allows. Mine did and it helped with not being able to eat or drink. It also helped with smells. I wish you the best!
   — Launa N.

January 2, 2009
All I took was my cell phone cuz it had my numbers in it.I didnt take anything I didn't need, the hospital was equipted with very large gowns that went around me almost twice, so my rear was I had the sleeve done July 22, 2008, I am very happy with my decision, lost 82 pounds so far and I still have to force myself to eat once in awhile. I will say Prayers for you, and I also wonder why OPEN instead of LAP.??
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 2, 2009
Lori, all of these answers you have been given so far are excellent, but no one mentioned the most important thing of all,,,take your BIBLE with you. NOt that you are in for trouble but you will be ready to praise God for what He led you to do and there are many Psalms that are wonderful for praise starters. Maybe all you will need are the Psalms and a New Testement, (small, easy to carry) but that will be something you will want to did ask for prayer so I assume you will be wanting a Bible or devotional bood of some kind. God bless you and keep you safe and healthy. Lyn
   — SkinnyLynni2B

January 2, 2009
CPAP if you use one, your favorite pillow, music, a smile and a good attitude. Not much really- I was more comfortable in their big girl gowns than I was in my own pj's. Best of luck, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

January 2, 2009
I had Open RNY too...and I was glad to have my own pads...(I got my period during surgery) The hospital pads are GI-HUGIC looking dinosaurs from some far away time long ago! LOL I used the hospital pads under my binder to soak up the ooze from my scar and it kept my binder clean too...Two or three sleeveless tee shirts to wear under the binder (Those things are itchy without a tee shirt) Scented lotion! Kept me moisturized and kept me smelling perty! The nurses all loved the way my room smelled! It made me feel at home with my own perfumed lotion...I was glad to have medicated lip balm...My mouth and nose were soooooo dry...I had to get them to bring me saline spray for my nose (had a lot of dry blood up there) and gylcerine swabs for dry mouth were so great! I went thru many cups of ice chips...They had to limit me...I'm not sure why, but I guess I was eating too much ice! LOL... Bring powdered SF drink mixes to mix in water for taking crushed pills and make the water taste better...Water tasted metallic to me and I could not drink it...I don't know what I would have done without the Crystal Lite and ice chips! (A little went a long way!) I had no time to stay awake and read...If I was not dosing off from pushing my morphine drip, I was walking in the hallways and visiting other PO's...Some people were totally alone with no family to visit...The only time I spent in my room was sleeping...or when family came to visit. Just bring what you'd feel comfortable with...I had my own PJs and robe and slippers too...But you really don't need much...I was there 4 days so I was glad to have some of my own stuff from home for comfort. Good luck! Oh and don't forget any meds you take! Be blessed!
   — .Anita R.

January 2, 2009
G'morning...I also had Open RNY on Nov. 4th...the hospital has pretty much everything you'll need but I preferred my own 'jams compared to their hospital gowns...slippers with non-skid soles...chap stick...cell phone...some sort of's sooo dry in there, the lotion really helps. And a pillow for your belly on the ride home !! I was told not to bring my own meds as the hospital would have everything (if) needed...ya might want to ask when they call with your pre-admission info. Take Care and the Very Best of Luck to you !!
   — debz_58

January 2, 2009
I too ended up with an open R and everyone has given you great guidelines. As for the PJs NO WAY for me. The thought of anything touching that incision was a major NO for me. Go for a gown if you don't want to use the hospital's stuff. Also your own pillow is key--more for the ride home than the stay there. On the ride home you will feel every single pot hole and railroad track. The pillow will give you something to help cushion your inciision. Good luck and stay strong.
   — ceecee127

January 3, 2009
I agree about the non skid slippers or warm socks. My feet were always cold...another item that would have been tremendous for me was a heating pad for my back. I had a terrible back ache the morning after surgery. I had laproscopic RNY. I also had to wait a very long time to get an ice pack for my achey back...having a heat pad and ice packs readily available to switch back and forth would have been GREAT. Or, have someone who can bring you one if you need it. (Or anything else that you may not want to pack or forget).
   — spicymama

January 3, 2009
I loved having my fleece lined crocs. It's the only shoes/slippers I took with me... I wore them to the hospital, then when I walked around... they were easy to put on an warm!!! I also took my own PJ's, put them on the morning after surgery...felt much better.. I also took a robe with me for when I walked around... I didn't want ot be flashing everyone. My own toiletries...soap, toothpaste.. you don't realize how much you like your own brands until you don't have them. Good luck to you!!! Caroline
   — carolinern

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