Medical Alert Bracelets-How should it be label?

Reading the Medical Alert Bracelet posts sound like wise advise. As a RNY person what should be put on the braclet?    — mrsbobvilla (posted on February 14, 2009)

February 13, 2009
Had RNY or spell it out ... Staff at Drs. office said that if needing some medical help it is best to go to a hospital or who understands baratic surgury cause some just have not a clue what is involved..
   — Eneleh

February 13, 2009
My Medic Alert Bracelet doesn't have phone numbers on it, because I always carry my cellphone with me and that has an ICE number in it (In Case of Emergency). What is DOES say is: GASTRIC BYPASS, NO SUGARS, NO NG TUBE, NO NSAIDS
   — Shirley D.

February 13, 2009
A member died last year from a bowel obstruction while traveling on vacation. She had been having trouble, but they couldn't find anything. When she was rushed to a local emergency room where they were, the hospital didn't have a bariatric unit and had no idea what to do or how to treat her quickly enough to save her life...If there were a bariatric unit there, they would have been able to help her. I will put on my own bracelet "Consult w/Bariatric surgeon/unit in Emergencies" Or something to that effect....
   — .Anita R.

February 14, 2009
I have been a Medical Alert member since 1979. I called them and asked the customer service person about it. Mine says ROUX-EN-Y ANASTOMOSIS as the frist item on the bracelet. I really would recomend going with the actual MedicAlert programs becuase you can list your sergeon's information along with you PCP and emergacy contacts along with several other things. They also have a number on the bracelet that is manned by a live person 24/7/365 with experts. It has saved my life twice since I started just by having alergies on there.
   — phyllismmay

February 14, 2009
I had a traditional medic alert type of bracelet that you had to have engraved, and as my post-op became more complicated, there wasn't enough room. I saw a feature on the news about an electronic medical bracelet at They also sell them at CVS pharmacy online. They range from $20-25, and you load all the info on your computer at home (from software that is included), you can list everything you want, all your surgeries, doctors with numbers/fax numbers/allergies/medications-which can be updated at any time/even a picture of yourself so that if you were unconscious they know it is really you. Your info is NOT on the internet, and it can only be changed by you. The bracelet is actually a USB drive (it is waterproof as long as you take it apart and dry it off if it gets wet), most medic units have laptops, so even they would be able to take it off of you and plug it in and see the info. I work in the ER, and I have shown our doctors mine, and they think it is amazing. You can print out the info and keep a copy with you for new docs/ER visits/etc...They come in different colors/sizes, and they all have the recognizeable star of life in Red to be easily noticed.
   — jbird1972

February 14, 2009
mine has my name on front with rny gastric bypass next line no blind NG tube allergic to .... hospital er phone number back has... husbands name and phone home phone no nsaids no sugar dr name and number hope this helps. I went to amercian medical id and it spelled it all out and were quite reasonable in prices. I never tak eit off and it has no problems. Good luck to you!
   — gpcmist

February 14, 2009
In Canada when you order from the actual Medic-Alert organization their experts make suggestions based on experience with what is needed in emergency rooms. I believe mine will say RNY Gastric Bypass, Stomach 100 cc, No Blind NG Tube, No NSAIDs. My surgeon suggested similar wording, and when an ER team accesses my ID number, the surgeon's name and number appear there. Best to you /Mike
   — mountainmike

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