Does weight lifting make you gain weight?

I just had the lap-band on 3/12/2009 and I am currently doing weight lifting like two times a week, I just weigh myself on thursday and it looks like I gain weight. I am eating the same foods and water, water water! and my protein shakes. answers please:-) thanks    — tray1977 (posted on April 17, 2009)

April 17, 2009
the same thing happened to me! i started training last week and when i weighed myself i gained 1 lb! 1lb is not alot but when you are tring to LOSE you dont want to see the numbers go back up!! someone tole me that you may gain just a bit but give it maybe 2 weeks and your body is going to figure it out and you will start losing again...good luck and make sure you do cardio also....walking a light jog or something and it will all come together
   — esty

April 17, 2009
It takes a good month to build a pound of muscle weight for regular people (avid body builders excluded!) Working out twice a week is not going to build enough muscle fast enough to see entire pounds of weight gain. BUT...when you exercise, you tend to eat more than you realize and if you are burning 300 calories in the gym and eating or even DRINKING extra calories without realizing it, it's possible that's why you are gaining...Or you might not be eating enough causing your body to slooooow your metabolism and stall your progress...Or sometimes, it just takes your body some time to adjust to all the new activity, diet and exercise! You might want to journal your food intake and see what you are really eating and drinking in calories! It might surprize you. It did me! I am always shocked at how much I can eat some days and how little other days! When I am getting in a lot of exercise I can EAT some calories without gaining or dumping ( I had RNY and still dump) But you had lapband and can drink stuff like those sports drinks and such that you might not realize have a ton of sugar and calories...I had a friend who'd stop for a a sweet green tea or sports drink after buring 300 cals in the gym and then a nice healthy lunch at home...That tea adds 200 calories PLUS that lean lunch of only 200-300 calories is still MORE calories than burned at the gym! The So just keep a log for a little while if you continue to see a gain...Otherwise it might resolve on it's own in a short time! Good luck and happy weight lifting! :)
   — .Anita R.

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