I'm hungry

Had RNY 12-11-07 and have only lost 100 pounds. Now I'm gaining weight. I am hungry all the time. I did not think I would have hunger. It started immediately after my surgery and has not stopped. No support from Dr.    — nrupert (posted on January 19, 2010)

January 19, 2010
Be sure to avoid carbs that will cause craving/hunger, especially sugar. Sorry this is happening to you. Are you sure it's not head hunger?
   — Janell C.

January 19, 2010
Maybe you have not considered this...BUT....if your doctor is not helping you...research and find another. Get one how "will" take your concerns seriously. There could be so many reasons for your hunger :emotions, stress, diabetis, thyroid etc...etc...etc. You have the right to find someone who will listen, advise and support you....but you have to make that first step. Good luck.....
   — karensaporito

January 19, 2010
Make sure that you are eating protein first and not drinking before or after you eat. Also I agree with the other post that you need to find another Doctor.
   — phyllismmay

January 19, 2010
Yes protein first always! Meat, pork, chicken, tuna, or eggs. then wait 30 minutes before you drink anything, I am doing good so far I am 2 weeks out. Just eat small meals thru the day and you should be ok. You sure don't want to go back to your old self after spending all the money! Willpower Come On! You can do it.
   — smokeybonefan

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