How much weight did you lose during Pre op preparation?

Good Morning everyone! A friend of mine and I were having a discussion about weightloss prior to surgery. She is trying to understand the massive changes that I'm undergoing as I prepare for the Lap Band. Her concern is I'm losing too much too soon and I'm not typical. So my question to all of you... What is the average amount of weight loss during your pre op phase? And please, everyone, not just banders feel free to reply. We're curious about the different types too. Thanks!    — kchooker (posted on February 1, 2010)

February 1, 2010
i had gastric in April 2009 , i think i only did the pre diet like 3 or 4 days .. heck if i could have done the diet for longer i wouldn't have had the surgery :) . but i did loose about 9 lbs in those few days ,but im sure it was fluid .. good luck.. Theresa in Ala
   — momofbignick

February 1, 2010
my doctor requires 5% but the vast majority of ppl i have talked to its 5-10% of course the heavier you are the more but each doctor is diff yours will let you know what he wants. losing too much shouldnt be a concern unless not doing it healthily or getting too far down to even do the surgery.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 1, 2010
i lost 20 lbs before i had the by pass on jan 25
   — dlynch24775

February 1, 2010
I haven't had surgery yet, but last April I was asked to lose 20 lbs before having RNY surgery in July, I ended up gaining 5 lbs because I went into a "Oh my God, I will never be able to eat this again, I better do it now while I still can mode." *Giggles* Anyway, that surgery got cancelled (not because of my weight gain) and rescheduled for December 3rd again for RNY. Two weeks prior to that surgery date I went on a protein based diet, and that surgery got cancelled as well (which I'm grateful for since I am now pursuing the DS option or VSG if I cannot get the DS). However I continued doing what I was doing because I had lost 15 lbs and I wasn't feeling deprived. Now, 2 and a half months into my diet (hope it's a lifestyle change) I've lost 47 lbs. I'm curious to know how much you've lost for your friend to be concerned and what you are doing to lose the weight? My main concern would be if you aren't getting enough micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals and of course if you're not getting enough protein and some essential fatty acids like Omega 3s. In other words, I hope you're not a super low calorie diet of lettuce and soup broth and depleting your body of the essentials I've mentioned above because that would not be optimal for your recovery after surgery. However, if you are losing your weight and still getting in the essentials, then congratulations and keep it up!
   — Dandy_DeeDee

February 1, 2010
I started the whole process by seeing the registered dietician in my surgeon's office first, and finding out what and how I would eat after surgery. She put me on a modified diet that was very similar to how I'd be eating post op, only giving me bigger quantities. The things she changed about my eating habits were - forcing me to eat breakfast within an hour of getting up, eating 5 small meals per day about 200 calories each, and if putting my food on a plate, the "protein portion" (chicken, fish, whatever) needed to fill up 3/4's of the plate, and the carbs could only occupy the last quarter of the plate. She also advised me to eat off of sandwich sized plates, and to drink as much water or Crystal Light or Herbal tea as I could every day, at least 64 ounces. I began that regimen in October, and by my surgical date in March, I had lost 28 pounds. My surgeon was extremely pleased with me.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

February 1, 2010
My Dr. required a 2 week pre op diet. It was liquids for 2 meals and 1 high protien meal a day. I lost 9 pounds in the two weeks. Doctors have different requirements depending on each persons BMI.
   — ToniLee

February 1, 2010
I lost 79 pounds preOp (my surgeon requested a target BMI of 50) - I have noticed that I seem to lose slower post op than some who didn't lose as much - but over all I'm down 58 pounds since 9/15/09 for a total of 137 pounds. I could be disappointed, but pre or post op - those pounds are gone and I'm starting to feel my goal is insight. My BMI is about to drop below 40 ....
   — Diane324

February 1, 2010
I lost 17 pounds pre op. Gained 33 in the hospital from fluids.
   — sba1128

February 2, 2010
Had my surgery Aug 21,2009, My doctor is at Cleveland Clinic in Weston, FL, they require a 2 week pre-op, I lost 19 pounds!!!!! Everyone's journey is different and every doctor is different.. No offense to your friend, but she can never understand what you are going through only people who have done it can. The emotional changes are just as dramatic..and even more... I had RNY and i'm 91 pounds down now at 5 1/2 months. Good Luck, you will do great.
   — MarthaJ0110

February 2, 2010
THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to post answers to my question. Thus far, 12days on the diet, I've lost 25lbs. My carbs are restricted to between 10 and 15 grams a day becuase I had at least 20 lbs to lose prior to surgery. And to those who responded that my friend can't understand, you are right there. The emotional rollercoaster that goes along with such a dramatic change in eating habits and the stress of waiting to hear from the insurance company is sometimes overwhelming and the only thing that helps is a good cry. Its great to know I'm not alone in the journey...again..THANK YOU!!!!
   — kchooker

February 2, 2010
I lost around 10 lbs
   — FSUMom

February 5, 2010
i was on liquid protein diet for 13 days and I lost 12 pounds before the bypass.
   — travelingbee

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