High blood sugar after work

I have been a diabetic for over thirty five years, had RNY surgery January 13, 2010 and have been off most insulin for the last two months. Things have changed starting yesterday; I picked up a trailer load of much on yesterday and after spreading it my sugar went up to 250. Today I picked up another trailer load and my sugar was 108 prior to getting it and four hours later was over 220 again. Normally I have been between 80 and 135 all day long. I go to the gym at least three to four times a week and have never seen this high of a sugar. I did do a lot more work the last two days than normal but cannot understand the rise. I would appreciate any information.    — Jim Christian (posted on April 27, 2010)

April 27, 2010
Don't play around with diabetes. Call your doctor.
   — Muggs

April 28, 2010
Personal message Date Sent: April 28, 2010 - 9:09am To: Muggs Click here to add this user to your friends list Subject: Diabetis I saw my internist and kidney specialist two weeks ago and he directed me to stay off Lantus (24 hour long term) and any other insulin if under 180. I have been steady for two months between 80 and about 130 with no insulin of any type. This was just an unusual happening.
   — Jim Christian

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