New neds cant stop eating

I have been put on a new medication for my daily maintenance for migraine. Ever since I started taking it I can't stop eating. I had RNY in 2008 so I can eat quite a bit before I get sick. The scales are starting to tip in the wrong direction HELP    — phyllismmay (posted on March 2, 2011)

March 2, 2011
Better talk with your doctor. There may be an alternative medicine. If not, maybe there is a support group (weight or migraine sufferers) that you can join to help you not overeat.
   — Muggs

March 3, 2011
I have the same problem here. Unfortunately, found out it was the pain med for herniated disc in my neck/nerve pain, 40# later. My family doc referred me to a doctor that looks at meds regarding weight gain, etc. She is also certified in bariatric medicine. She has made several changes with my meds and I am back to hitting the gym 5 days a week to get rid of the weight that I had already lost. It is coming off a pound at a time, but atleast the scale is going in the right direction. Try to see what other alternatives are out there for the medication. Also, hit the gym or check your eating, etc. My 40# came on quick and I think that dealing with the neck pain, the weight was the least of my concern, because I hurt so bad. I am going in for a nerve ablation of my c spine, so hopefully I can get off these meds altogether and get some major workouts going. Good luck. Keep me posted on how you do.
   — sandorah

March 3, 2011
my doc has me on nortyptiline and magnesium, and it seems to be doing the job,
   — dixienormous

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