Should I call a Dr. for leaking incisions?

Had RNY surgery on 12/6 and two incisions are leaking has anyone experienced this and should I call my dr. Thanks for any feed back.    — redbone (posted on December 21, 2005)

December 20, 2005
I would call for anything that seems out of the ordinary. Its just a call... if it could be a problem, better to know earyl..
   — Julie D.

December 20, 2005
I would call my doctor right away. I had my surgery on December 1st and have had no problems with leaking. Good luck to you!
   — wantstowin2

December 21, 2005
I did not have any leaks with my RNY but I know that this can happen with surgery. I had a c-section last year and about a week later my incision started leaking alot. Like a light pink clear fluid. I was very scared but it ended up being normal. Fluid builds up under the incision and that is its only way out. I would still call your doctor to be sure but I think it is fine.
   — jengriggs01

December 21, 2005
I would call asap. Better to know that everything is okay and put your mind at ease.
   — Slimming Down

December 21, 2005
Call your Dr. right awawy. My incision leaked for 3 months after surgery. I had to use qtips and pook top and bottom of incision to let it drain. Changed dressing 3 - 4 times a day. You can email me if any questions [email protected]
   — belwine

December 22, 2005
It certainly never hurts to call your surgeon!
   — Novashannon

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