I'm 5 weeks post-op..lost 25lbs..going for my fill next week. is the fill painfull?

   — rhammgag (posted on July 30, 2007)

July 29, 2007
Painful, not really but it depends on your pain tolerance. If you think giving blood is painful, it may be painful for you. Really it is nothing more than a neddle stick. For me, the most painful was when they remove the neddle. It feels like they are pulling so hard. But not painful at all, in my opinion. Good Luck Marie
   — Marie B.

July 30, 2007
I don't find it painful .. my doctor deadens the site beforehand, so that helps. It does involve an enormous amount of pressure, though, to get the needle through the fat layer and then the port membrane, so be prepared!
   — Jeanie

July 30, 2007
Hi Roxanne, Re:Fill - For me it was absolutely no pain at all. And believe me I can be a baby. I will constantly ask, "Is it going to hurt?" You will get a shot first to freeze the area, and that's all you'll feel, it's like a mosquito bite, or the tip of a needle touching your skin. NO BIG DEAL AT ALL!!! Don't worry. Congrats on the 25lb loss. WAY TO GO! Cathy
   — Catherine F.

July 30, 2007
My P.A. numbs the area surrounding the fill site first. And to me the numbing process is more painful than the fill. And I don't find it very painful at all, it's more uncomfortable than anything, but no big deal.
   — Debra R.

July 30, 2007
Congratulations on your 25 pound weight loss! That is a great accomplishment. The fill is just like getting a shot. Granted, it's a pretty big needle, but still like getting a shot. My surgeon does give me a local anesthetic (a small shot) in the port area prior to the fill. That helps since the fill needle does have to go in further than a regular shot does. It is not a big deal though. In fact, you will probably be in and out of the office in 15 minutes. Well, assuming you don't have to wait long for the doctor.
   — VickiStevens

July 31, 2007
I am six weeks post-op and just had my first fill yesterday. Iit was painless. The doctor gave me a shot in the port area to numb me and that was painless. Within in a few minutes, I ws numb. The doctor told me to look away since the needle is large and befoe Iknew it, the procedure was over. The only thing a bit disturburbing was the tremendous amount of pressure required to get the needle inserted all the way. The doctor put a bit too much solution in, and I could not even swallow a tiny bit of water without feeling I was going to vomit. He removed a bit of solution, and I was fine. However, I was unaware that I needed to stay on full liquids for 24 hours. I would have liked to know that in advance. Right now I am so full...this will be especially great to contol the amount of food I can eat. Hope this helps.
   — Mary Ann H.

July 31, 2007
I had problems with my first fill. Friday I seen my surgeon for the first fill. He used three different needles three different places and was unsuccesfull all three times. He sent me to the hospital for the fill under an x-ray. That worked. The needles are about 3" long. It depends on the amount of fat on your belly whether or not they can feel where the port is located, as it does move. Not to worry. No real pain.
   — tutty8buckwheat

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