remove surgeon from my profile

i have had to change surgeons and i need to know how do i remove my old surgeon's info from my profile? i'm not trying to support a dr who gave me the run around i want to remove his name and all comments about him and replace with my new and better surgeon's info    — wpk89 (posted on April 11, 2009)

April 11, 2009
Go to "view profile" On the left side of the page, it will allow you to edit your response and repost if you wish to. Good luck!
   — Sherri_tx

April 12, 2009
when i go to my profile it doesn't have a way to delete ur surgeon's info. i don't why they make it this difficult people may start with one surgeon and sometimes have to switch to another. still need help removing my surgeon from profile
   — wpk89

April 14, 2009
You can change your surgeon by going to "My OH" and at the bottom left side choose "Settings" and choose the tab "Status" - on my profile it says "I've got a date! My Surgeon". Click on "My Surgeon" and you should be able to choose the surgeon you want listed. Patti T.
   — Pat T.

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