Two Weeks of Fluids

I am not feeling and urge to eat or drink and have to force every sip I take is this normal?    — Fogg1958 (posted on December 23, 2009)

December 23, 2009
For me it was if you are talking after surgery. I am 3 weeks post-op today and still have no desire. My husband wrote me out a schedule so that I would get my fluids and protein in. Hang in there.
   — jvannatta

December 23, 2009
You MUST take in your fluids and protein. I know it is difficult, but when you do not get your fluids in you will dehydrate, and when you do not get your protein intake, you will lose muscle and muscle around your heart!!! Hang in there, your hubby sounds like a living doll to make a schedule for you. I does get better gal.
   — FSUMom

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