Help!!!! I am at 135 I don't want to lose anymore

Because I am going to try and have a Panni done. I have at least 10-15lbs of skin. I don't want to eat, and sometimes I feel guilty because I ate something I should not have, so I go the rest of the day and just nibble on small things, that are low fat hardly anything at all. What is wrong with me? I am so terrified of gaining back my wt, but yet every once in a while I will eat a banana cake (6 grams of fat) I only eat things that are low in fat, or a peppermint pattie, (3 or less grams of fat) Then I don't want to eat anything else because of the guilt please do not ridicule me, I did not ask for badgering, I only want HELP>>>>>>>>    — TONYA B. (posted on December 4, 2002)

December 4, 2002
welcome to the world of being human!!! LOL i still am about 50 or 60 pounds from where i want to be, but i find i eat the wrong things and then am afraid to eat the proper foods too...we're all human. keep your chin up!!! Phyllis open rny 5-2-02 -106 pounds
   — candymom64

December 4, 2002
Of course your "terrified of gaining weight back" Look at what we went through all of our lives. We have been scarred and are food obsessed. I heard therapy helps, might try that myself. Your not alone!!
   — ZZ S.

December 4, 2002
I agree with the previous poster - please seek counseling/ therapy. I'm sure it will help you to figure out what is going on and why you are occassionally practicing destructive behaviors. I know that my counselor will be a huge piece of my life after WLS. She's a great sounding block and is honest with me and helps me to figure the issues out. Your body has been through a total upheaval both physically and mentally. So give your mental self the same respect you gave your physical body by having surgery. Good Luck!
   — zoedogcbr

December 5, 2002
Tonya, sweetie, you've got to use a little common sense here. If you don't want to lose anymore, then you have to reverse the cycle by eating more! Make sense? Because if you continue to eat like you are eating, then you will continue to lose weight and get too thin, which you have already said is not what you want. Keep in mind that we don't absorb all the fat we take in, so I wouldn't worry so much about fat content. How bout tracking your daily food intake, like on You should be taking in 1000-1200 calories a day, so start tracking your food intake and if you find that its not enough, then eat more. If you still lose, then add calories, 100 at a time until you find the right amount to maintain. Good luck and congrats on the loss!
   — Cindy R.

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