WLS date 8 wks. post-hysterectomy? Is this ok?

I will be 8 wks. out following hysterectomy/bladder sling surgery when I have my lap RNY. Is this okay? My Gyn. gave me the go ahead, and I go to pre-op w/Bariatric Surgeon next week. My family is concerned because I had significant complications with the bladder sling surgery requiring a three week Foley Catheter. Anyone have any experience with something similar? The fear is also that my hormones will be running amok and it will send me into a depression. I do not work, so that is not an issue, and I have older teens and a hubby so I have plenty of help at home. Thanks for your input!    — alsgal (posted on March 30, 2006)

March 30, 2006
It is all up to your bariatric surgeon. Some want 6 months between major abdominal surgeries. Good luck.
   — ChristineB

March 30, 2006
You have to realize that those of us that answer questions are only for WLS. If you have other medical questions, you need to contact your potenial surgeon, PCP, etc. I can tell you that if you have WLS, most doctors will not operate on you unless it is a complete emergency because it takes 6 months for your insides to heal.
   — Steve Cohen

March 30, 2006
Why not both at the same time? have you asked your WLS surgeon?? when I had mind they 'offered' other surgies at the time. I had my gallbadder taken out; and my surgeon found I had an ovarian cyst which I didnt know and did that. Are you having the hysterctory/bladder lap maybe thats why you cant combine. But if its an open procedure why not have both if possible
   — star .

March 30, 2006
I should have specified. It was not an "open" surgery, so there are no incisions (and it was done 5 1/2 wks. ago). I really am hoping that the surgeon will not postpone the Lap RNY, because like everyone, I am anxious to get started, but I was curious if anyone had any experience with this issue.
   — alsgal

March 30, 2006
Your pelvis and stomach are not connected and if your OB/GYN said to go for then why not. If all your surgeons say it is ok then do it. If anyone of them has any concerns then I wouldn't hesitate to wait it out you don't want any complications. Good Luck!
   — SteffieBear15

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