
Ok so I submit to insurance on the 18th of Oct. gone through the whole 3mo. non-surgical weightloss program. I am on Balziva BC pills and well I took a preg. test last month it was neg. got my period about 4 days later....well this month it never came! Took 3 more this month all positive!!! I AM PRE-OP!!!!! My insurance will cover a 100% if approved! I don't know what to do...I don't know if these could possibly be false positive....anyone experiance this??? HELP ME!!! I have 2 kids already and as my husband calls me fertile mertile...I don't know what to do or think!!! I am not ready for a 3rd baby if it is true my baby is only 5 mo.! I need some helpful words of wisdom here!!!!    — bridgadean (posted on September 25, 2007)

September 25, 2007
Well congratulations on both?! Anyway, maybe if you are really positive, it's God's way of saying not yet.... just check with your insurance and see if they can wait until (after you have the baby.) Just hang in there, it will all work out.
   — Big-Dzz

September 25, 2007
Sounds like God's way of telling this is not the time. I am sure if you are approved will be after the baby. Be happy and enjoy the little ones. Things have a way of happening for a reason! Congrats!
   — muffin1837

September 25, 2007
I have heard of people having false positives (but it is not likely). Go have a blood test at the doctor that is what I did---I got 3 false NEGATIVES, so I was shocked when I really popped up pregnant. And my baby at home was 5 months also. I am currently pregnant, and my kids will be about 12 months apart (I was over 9 weeks when I found out). If you need to talk I am here.

September 25, 2007
I would try another test, Maybe a different brand ? if it says yes definitely it's a yes, And talk to your Dr.after words, I agree with the previous post. Sometimes things happen for a a reason. I have 8 kids yes all mine and they are such a blessing. I wasn't ready with a couple of them either but you will cope. I got prego like you so close together . I thought no way,this could be right. "it was" my kids are 9 and 10 . The surgery will wait though .You have to take care of yourself, now. Maybe hubby is the super sp _ _m . Thats what my oldest daughter said about her hubby, they tried to wait as well ,and she was shocked when she was prego. But her baby is so beautiful. Don't stress sweetie it will work out. Sabrina
   — sabrina S.

September 26, 2007
Wow, most people CAN'T get pregnant if they tried(me) I lost 179 pounds and still can't get pregnant. I gave up trying, my husband had a vasectomy and I had a lower body lift. I'm happy for you, but did'nt you use protection? I was so paranoid about getting pregnant right before my plastics we went out and bought condoms just to make sure that didn't happen. Whatever is meant to be will be. It just is bad timing. You'll probably have to go through the whole submission thing again cuz they are usually only good for 60 days or so. Good luck, I'm sure taking all those Pregnancy tests,they are usually pretty accurate, so go to the doc to confirma and GOOD LUCK!!!
   — thevikster

September 26, 2007
Count your blessings!!! Yes, it's scary and frustrating right now, and the timing itsn't what you would ideally want, but think in terms of years, not months when you think about the babies, because time flies and then they are grown, and think about months, not years, in terms of the did the three month program once, you can do it again if need be, and maybe the insurance won't require a repeat since it is medically documented. It's a few months of pregnancy, a few months of recovery and then you'll have years of health to enjoy your kids. If you aren't set for more kids then maybe your hubby should undergo the snip-snip! But this one is coming for a reason...embrace him/her and you'll not regret the delay for wls.
   — Carlast

September 26, 2007
I really don't see where there is a question, if God has truly blessed you with a child, there should be no question but to accept His blessing. I'd give anything to not have the surgery in order to have another child by my new husband. Take another test, go to the doctor but most importantly, accept whatever it is God has for you.
   — PAWLLA L.

September 26, 2007
I am not in the mood for a flaming here so hold your tounge if possible, but the OP here is about her being scared about this baby and the possibility of WLS being jeopardized Maybe forcing god's will on her right now isn't what she's looking for. I would call your insurance company right now and see if your approved now can it be put off till the baby arrives. This way you'll know and can choose the path that is best for you baby or not.
   — Steph Meat Hag

September 26, 2007
This seems like a no brainer to me. Enjoy being pregnant again. The surgery can wait!!!! Congrats on both!!! I am infertile and have to rely on fertility meds to get pregant. I am in hopes of having this surgery so that I will be able to get pregnant on my own in the future. CONGRATS!!
   — Sillyguts

September 26, 2007
IMO three tests probably aren't all positive by mistake. This will not sit well with a lot of people but if you aren't ready for a third baby, and you're questioning it, maybe you shouldn't have it? I know how stressful a 5 month old can be, and as he/she starts walking it only gets worse. Best of Luck in whatever you decide to do. It's not everyday that insurance will cover 100% of the surgery costs.
   — Katrina B.

September 26, 2007
All I was reading was God God God. That isn't what she was asking, I'm pretty sure she knows all about God I don't think she was coming here for a life lesson on God. Last time I checked this is a place for support on WLS (ALL ISSUES) am I right? I know that she is not the 1st person on here to have the same question. Everyone has their OWN personal beliefs but they shouldn't be pushed on someone asking for help. Bridgette, You have a hard choice right now that only you and your husband can really make. Since you have taken 3 test and they have all came back positive then I'm pretty sure that your pregnant. I would call your doctor and make an appointment to see them and find out for sure then like someone said call your insurance and your wls doctor and go from there. Either choice you make is going to change your life so take some time and really think about what you want to do. Whatever the case you have people that will support you in YOUR choice. You and your husband are the ones that will be raising your third child and if you really don't think that you can during this time in your life. Then you have to make the best choice for you and your child. I wish you the best of luck.
   — TattooGirl1982

September 26, 2007
As with the pro-choice/pro-life issue, this is a very hot and possibly argument starting discussion. I have to agree with a couple of the dissenters in these postings. This is definitely a personal decision that must be made between you, your husband, your doc and if you so desire, a counselor or a therapist who can help you cope with whatever you choose to do. I won't say that I advocate one way or the other, but I do believe you must do what is best for you and your situation. If you do believe in a higher power, whatever or whomever it may be, talk to someone that you trust in that field, if you think it might help. Best of luck to you and I hope you find peace with whatever you choose. Lynn Williams
   — Lynn W.

September 29, 2007
Bridgett, you just have to do what is right for you and your family. I understand the frustration of waiting so long to have your surgery and then mabye to have to wait longer. I guess try to think of the "big picture". Maybe you will regret terminating your pregnancy down the road and your husband may resent it later too. Maybe you won't. Life is full of what-if's and maybes. I am 9 months post-op and down 167 lbs (yay!) I have a 3 1/2 year-old and am REALLY wanting to have another baby and am scared that I won't be able to get pregnant (I'd tried for a year prior to surgery and thought at the time it was weight related). However, this is YOUR decision and you have to think about the stress of pregnancy on your body at this current weight, the stress of taking care of your other children as well. I t is SO much harder to just LIVE when you are really heavy, I know. Everything is harder to do, you get so tired, etc, I don't have to tell you all that. I have 2 friends that have had abortions and years later are still messed up mentally from it. But main point is that you have to do what is right for you at THIS moment in time. Are you going to resent this new baby because he/she kept you from getting your surgery at the time you wanted it? I'm sure you have thought of all these things. Just know that we are here to support you and I will think about you and hope that you find peace in WHATEVER you decide. You send me a message if you want to talk. :) Take care, Aaryn
   — airbear762000

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