hair relaxers and straightners

I am 2 1/2 years post op and lost alot of hair after I had the surgery. Since then I have had regrowth but its alot drier, frizzier, curlier hair. I am caucasion and would like to know if there is anything I can use for this out of control hair. What would happen if I would use a straightner or relaxer?? I never had hair like this and the only way I can do anything with it is if I curl it or use a flat iron but even then its still frizzy. Has anyone else had this problem? Or does anyone have any suggestions what to do? Thank-you.    — jjeanniespets1 (posted on October 23, 2007)

October 23, 2007
Hi, I have no suggestions for you, but the same exact thing has happened to me!! I take tons of Biotin, try to get all the protien in, etc. nothing has helped. I have read past posts from countless people that say, dont worry it comes back, eat your protien it wont happen, yadda yadda yadda. Nothing I have done to prevent or make it come back normal has helped. Makes me wonder...My hair is thin, frizzy and dry. i do an oil treatment of safflower oil every other night and that seems to be the only thing that has made a difference. if you can stand olive oil that works best. massage into scalp, then wrap in warm towel. Try to keep it on over night if you can stand it. the safflower oil absorbs well and there is no odor and it washes out of linen easily, that seems to be my oil tretment of choice. Ever seen a Guinnea that didnt have a full head of hair? Well it was an italian gal that gave me this tip. it feels good too yep, the oil treatments help. Believe me i have tried everything. i wear hair pcs of many varieties or I would lose my mind. I am 13 months out and this has been going on since month 4. i suffered from severe itching of the scalp too. I attribute that to the dry scalp due to poor nourishment. My hair is awful and i am just resigned to it. it saddens me that you are 2.5 years post op and no relief in site. if one more person says dont worry it will pass, I may have to hurt them. LOL j/k If you get any tips that work, please pass them on to far the oil treatment is the only thing that has made any difference. Deb
   — dessary316

October 23, 2007
Hello! I am 4 years post op and I lost a lot of hair too and when it came back it is curlier than ever. It is from lack of protien that it fell out. It has all grown back but I notice if I don't eat a lot of protien it will start to fall out again. Try using a leave in conditioner and work with the curls. I use a whole line of hair products for curly hair.
   — Carlyn M.

October 23, 2007
I'm almost five years out (surgery 12/02)I cut my hair short after the first year because I found I was losing hair. At the two year mark my hair was as thick as ever and curly! I remember having curly hair as a child and then after using hair coloring since my teen years, it became straight. I've grown my hair out to shoulder length, it is very wavy, frizzy at times. I cant get the curl out even with a flat iron. I have been using Tresemm'e shampoo and condition (smooth & silky for dry for damaged hair and it is working!
   — debmi

October 23, 2007
I lost hair, too. I am caucasion as well. My hair was LONG, down to my butt before surgery and cut my hair to just past my shoulders 2 months after surgery. The shorter hair helped to cover some of the thinner spots. I have natually curly hair, too. Lately, it seemed that they curls changed, too. A bit frizzy and like you describe drier. So I started using Redken Soft - that made a difference almost immediately. So I got rid of the dry. I decied to have my hair cut short - just above my collar and they did a razor cut. I have no thin spots anymore and the highlights -don't get me started. I am HOT. I came home and my husband was like - you are so HOT - you look like a rock star. I feel like one, now too. Good luck.
   — jammerz

October 24, 2007
I am a hairstylist so, first of all, I have never seen a straightener or relaxer work well on caucasion I am more apt to recommend a good flat iron...I use a chi. Make sure your flat iron gets hot (420 degrees) and that the plates are solid ceraminc, not coated. Also use a oil like biosilk or similar before you flat iron, it will infuse into your hair and give it a memory. It will also make it humity resistant. If you have any questions let me know. Tonya
   — hairgoddess

October 24, 2007
Have any of you had your vitamin B-12 checked? That can cause a serious problem along with all the other vitamins your body lacks since the surgery. My friend has had a gastric bypass also and she went through the same thing. She was lacking on vitamins big time and losing her hair. She used Synaplex Complex in her hair and got vitamin shots her hair is now normal.
   — nascar_angel_3_2003

October 24, 2007
hi i am 3 yrs out and pre-surgery my hair was very thick and wavy. i am caucasion. a few months post surgery large amts fell out ,but thankfully it grew back in. when it grew in , it was beyond wavy, it was amost tight little curls (almost like pubic hair!!!) it was resistant to anything i tried to do. i went to my hair dresser who relaxed it and i have been doing it ever since. the relaxation lasts about 6 months. my hairis not stick straight but has a mild wave. i also use biosilk . i also color my hair and put in highlites all with great results. my hair is not falling out and looks great.
   — libby17326

October 24, 2007
Hey! Ive always had really curly, frizzy and dry hair. I used a flat iron for years, but my hair still would be wavy and frizzy. I went to my hair sylist and had a Japanese or Chinese straightner put in. Its not cheap. It cost me $250, but its suppose to last 8 months to one year. My hair is straight and shinny. It shines like water. It was worth every penny to me. When it rains now I dont have to worry about my hair curling or frizzing up. Its been over three months since I had it done and my hair still looks good.
   — barfiep01

October 25, 2007
I haven't had hair loss but my natural hair is very curly and whatever you try to do it except curl it, it frizzes so I am pretty experienced with frizzy hair and dealing with it. I always flat ironed it which works great until you hit any humidity which makes it just curl or frizz again. I found that putting a little gel in first then again at the end tames the frizz. What I do now is I have had the Japanese Hair Straightening (thermal reconditioning). My hair is now straight but will hold a curl ,very shiny and healthier looking than it ever was. You do need to check with a professional though to make sure your hair is strong enough to withstand the treatment which can be harsh if your hair is thinning or double processed with color. Good luck to you.
   — Stacey D.

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