Denture's - do they have to be re-aligned after weight loss

I need to have a lower partial made so I can chew my food properly, and I am worried that if I have it made pre-surgery then I will have to have it adjusted after I lose the weight.    — TonjaC (posted on February 3, 2008)

February 3, 2008
Hi there. I'm no expert....but I recalled after my dad had lost a lot of weight from an illness, his dentures didn't fit him at all. It was extreme weight loss too, which you could experience, so I'd consult with your dentist about this. I know how expensive it is, and I guess, I'd make sure that you're not going to need a new one in a year or so. I would maybe see if they can repair the one you have, or if you need a new one, find out if there is any kind of temporary solution you can get. This is only a suggestion. Definitely talk to the dentist in depth about this. I hope someone else has had the experience with this same situation will comment on this post, I just hate to see you spending a fortune only to have to spend it again!. Hugs...and best of luck. Cheryl
   — Cheryl K.

February 3, 2008
Chances are very likely your denture will have to be relined. I'm a year out and get my top denture in 2 weeks. I waited because of this. Chewing has been very difficult and have stuck with soft foods for this reason. My dentist said the mouth doesn't change drastically from weightloss, but I've heard differently. Good Luck!
   — Darlene G.

February 3, 2008
My grandma wears full dentures and I know as her weight fluctuates she complains about them feeling lose or snug. I'm guessing it's a matter of how much her gums have swollen up.
   — USNavyProde

February 3, 2008
Yes!! Weight gain or loss definintely effects the fit of dentures... I am in the dental field for a living, and could not believe that my slight spaces closed in my lower arch after losing weight also, my tongue got smaller too and pushed less on the lower teeth, letting the slight spaces close! I would have a temporary set of dentures made for now, or do with what I have for now. Dental work is too expensive to pay twice. Good luck with your weight loss! I have lost 107 pounds and look and feel great!
   — earthangel

February 3, 2008
Thank you all for the advice, I think I will wait until I lose the weight before I have my dentures made. I will just have to get used to chewing with my front teeth, and chewing the food 20 times is really exhausting. I will probably lose weight just by being to tired to chew. Ha! Ha!
   — TonjaC

February 16, 2008
My mom had her surgery in 04 and has had to have her dentures realigned 3 times. She is needing to have them done again now. I would really think about holding off, if possible until you see how much trouble you have with them right after surgery. Hope this helps.
   — kankan

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