I am alittle over a year with shakes, sweats, etc

I am alittle over a year out down about 110 pounds and lately i have been getting shakes, feeling like i'm out of my body and then I start to sweat really bad. My husband told me I even look pasty! I explained this to my Dr. and she is sending me to a specialist but was curious if anyone else had this. Its not from eatting sugar because it happens when I haven't eatten anything. My parents think it could be the start of diabeties?Thanks for all yourhelp!    — WIBlueyes (posted on March 24, 2008)

March 24, 2008
Yes, this happens to me also not as much as it use to, I have found when this occurs my blood sugar level is very low. My husband is a diabetic so I tested my blood and is was always under 50 when I had the shakes and started sweating real bad and once I ate something (crackers, candy or orange juice) something to get my blood sugar level up then the symptoms would go away. I am 3 years out and it still happens.
   — Lil' Booty

March 24, 2008
Sounds like Hypoglicemia, or low blood sugar. That is the opsite of Diabities. I got it after having Diabities for 25 years. It is not really anything more than you have been starving your system too much of all sugar. Try some complex carbs so you do not ahve to take in sugar. If it is real bad attack, then drink 4 to 6 oz of orange juice and see if you recover after 20 minutes. When you feel it coming on a slick of wheat bread or 2-4 oz of brown rice will reverse it. You can order a blood meter for free from some of the major manufacturers that advertise on TV. They will send you a small order of testing strips. Then your doctor can perscribe more that your insurance will cover. Walgreens from time to time has major brand meters for next to nothing with a rebate for what you do pay. Your insurance will pay if a doctor perscribes. All doctors offices carry a meter for testing blood sugar, so just go to the doctors while fasting or have them order a A1C and Blood Gloocose test, which you should not eat anything from midnight on before taking the test. It will tell them if you have Diabities or if you just have low blood sugar. Diabities will test on you A1C 6.1 or above. 7.0 or above is a strong case of it. Below 6.1 is non diabetic. I now test 5.7, but have low blood sugar all the time (Below 80). Hope this helps. Best of Sucess to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

March 24, 2008
I'd recommend a general health check up. I had some fainting spells and a lightly pasty look over the past several months. Tests finally showed I had a very slow pulse, mixed with rapid heart beats. The high BP is treated with meds, and the low end has been dealt with a pacemaker implant. My general complexion looks different now, I feel better, and I'm not faint any more.
   — Dave Chambers

March 24, 2008
Yes...Must agree...Sounds like low sugar...I get this every once in a while when I haven't eaten or I skipped a meal being too busy to notice the time. I once had to stop at a GNC and get a high sugar protein bar because I could not drive. I felt better in a few minutes...This had happened a few times to me...but I don't usually forget to eat these days! I was a diabetic before surgery but have no troubles after weight loss. But I do get low now and then and I recognize it immediately and just eat. Good luck on your tests...
   — .Anita R.

March 24, 2008
yes! the same thing is happening to me! i'm down 127 lbs in 10 months and i exercise alot so what i do is eat every 2 - 3 hours....about 150-200 calorie helps a great deal...hope this helps
   — lizzie42

March 24, 2008
3 weeks ago I was a diabetic. Yesterday, My sugar had dropped to 53. I used to be Hypo-Glycemic before I gained all the weight. The combination of rapid weight loss (34 pounds in 3 weeks) and greatly reduced caloric intake (from approximately 6000 calories to around 1000 daily) have caused me to DROP all of my Diabetes Medications except for ONE Glucovance daily instead of the FOUR I had been previously taking. I had also been taking 35 units of insulin TWICE a day! The ONE pill of Glucovance was TOO much yesterday. I am now having to check my sugar levels and injecting INSULIN only as NEEDED. NO MORE Pills and NO MORE DAILY injections! The symtoms you describe are EXACTLY what I had experienced. They are what I USED to experience when I was Hypoglycemic. An Early warning for ME when I had LOW sugar was that I found myself EASILY ANNOYED. IF you find yourself getting TESTY for little reason, grab a piece of fruit or something. Candy or sugar isn't good because it can often lead to a quick rush and then a crash afterward. Fruit acts like a slow release pill for blood sugar. Potatoes do the same. I hope this helps, Hugh
   — hubarlow

March 24, 2008
I would tend to think more in terms of low blood sugar as apposed to high blood sugar. Make sure you follow up with the specialist.
   — Brenda R.

March 25, 2008
I had these symptoms about 2 months out and went to the ER. Come to find out my potasium was extremely, extremely low. I haven't had those symptoms since. I have had low blood sugar as well and never had those symptoms. So this is just a sujections of something to check.
   — Pam_B_OR

March 25, 2008
Has your doctor checked your hemoglobin A1C? This gives you an idea as to what your blood sugar has been the past 30 days or so. You could also buy the cheaps glucometer you can find ($20 or less) and check you sugar the next time you feel like this. I am not a diabetic, but I sometimes have a low sugar. I work in a hospital and the last time I checked it while at work and feeling bad it was 62! Best wishes-Heather
   — tazthewiz23

March 25, 2008
Many of us seem to get reactive hypoglycemia after surgery. Usually not immediately...but down the road. The Endo has me carry glucose tabs in the car, in my purse, wherever I go. I have this tendency to get "stupid" when my blood sugars drop below 60...and they usually get down closer to 30. you don't have to be eating sugar, per se, but any carbs that turn themselves into sugar in your system The glucose tabs work very well for me because they bring me up immediately...and I don't get that blood sugar spike sending me back down again. I try and do my protein shake shortly after in any event. Once my brain starts functioning again. They are cheap...and when I'm "stupid" because I don't have enough sugar in my brain to make the synapses come together's pretty easy to remember to take one of those. HTH...Regards~
   — Statuesque

March 25, 2008
Hi Michelle - This still happens to me occasionally and I am 16 mos out and have lost 115 lbs. When I start with the shakes it is usually from not eating on time or enough. I carry the packaged peanut butter crackers with me. I have them in my purse, my car, my desk at work. I eat about 3 of them slowly right when it starts and nips it in the bud. Also, I find when I don't drink enough water this also happens. I've recently had blood work done and everything is a ok. Follow up with your Dr. just to be sure everything is in order. Congrats on your weight loss...Keep up the good work. Best of Luck
   — niecie54

March 25, 2008
After more than a decade of not knowing why this was hitting me, I think I finally figured out that it's "white carbs" 2-3-4 hours earlier. My fave foods: potatoes, bread. Bad news, huh? If I hadn't gone on an entirely protein drink and food thing to drop a few pounds, I'd never have figured this out. I didn't eat enough potato or bread to fatten me up (sugar did that, thank you), so I didn't make the connection until I'd been totally carb free for about 3 months. Then I looked back and realized that I hadn't had any blood sugar issues. Hmm. I thought I would with next o nothing in carbs. (2-3g in protein drinks x 6 per day, maybe 1-2g per meal x 4 per day, none simple carbs). So at Thanksgiving, I had abouit 3 Tblsp of mashed potatoes. CRASH, right as everyone else was sitting down to an array of s/f pies, I was eating PB crackers. (Everyone in my family is either diabetic or has had WLS.) The other times I can directly point back to bread or potatoe. Not so much rice or pasta, but I have very small portions. Very interesting, since I never ever could see it before. My surgery was in 1994.
   — vitalady

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