i need help had LAP-RNY on3-11-08 why have i not lost any weight in a week?

i do every thing the doctor told me to do but i still weight 333 as of today started at 365 i feel i made a BIG MISTAKE DOING THIS TO MY SELF HELP    — oldpepsilady (posted on April 3, 2008)

April 2, 2008
I cannot comprehend even a little bit how someone can lose 32 pounds in less than a month and believe they have made a big mistake. What you are putting your body through by losing weight that quickly is a tremendous change on it. Your body is such a complex and wonderful thing and would need some amount of time to recover from a weight loss of 32 pounds. None of us gained our weight overnight and none of us will lose it all overnight either. If you are a woman who still gets her period, that could also be a big reason for the stall. Your body is getting ready to go through something else major and wants to take some time out on the weight loss. You need to learn to be patient and you will do just fine.
   — fluphystuph

April 2, 2008
Relax and stop weighing yourself all of the time. I think we get so hung up on knowing where every single pound has gone...that we end up discouraging ourselves. Just keep doing what you're suppose to be doing, eating your protein, drinking your water, and getting your body moving, try some relaxation or meditative breathing.... relax. It will come and when it does... WOW! Will you be shocked. Part of the problem is that we're so use to failing on diets and so use to reading how others have had revisions or what have you, that we basically set ourselves up for a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure with this surgery. You'll hear many times it's a tool, and it's how we use it is where we'll either have success or failure. In the beginning, it's pretty darn tough to fail with this as you can only get so much food down. Don't try to overstuff yourself or test yourself or you'll be miserable. Just follow the rules.... Eat protein, drink your water, exercise, and girlfriend.... you will see results! You're doing great! Just don't weigh everyday. I swear... you'll just depress yourself. Hang in there.... and keep the faith! Hugs....Cheryl
   — Cheryl K.

April 3, 2008
you're going through the time of the most adjustment...the first month after surgery. For me, time crawled. You've lost a lot of weight already...don't stress every single day if you don't lose weight. Just keep on the program and as time goes by you'll stop thinking about things so much. Your new life will become your regular life and you'll find it easier to accept that you're missing out on some things that you used to really enjoy but eventually that won't matter anymore. And the whole time your life is getting better in the ways that really matter. So chin up, and trust me, it gets better.
   — cjjordan

April 3, 2008
OMG...that is 32 pounds in 3 weeks!!! I had my surgery on 2/19 and I am only at 44 pounds in 6 weeks. What are you complaining about - be happy very happy.
   — rosheet

April 3, 2008
Always remember everyone is different. I am 8 weeks out and have only lost 39lbs. I am not discouraged because if I didn't have the surgery I probably wouldn't have even lost that. Your body goes into shock and you will hit plateaus. Just take time, walk and make sure you get the protien you need. Take one day at a time. Tracy :)
   — heartsablaze

April 3, 2008
Hi Kathy. Don't fret. I weighed 400 pounds when I had the surgery and your body has to adjust. So don't worry. IT WILL COME OFF. Take it from someone who has lost over 200 pounds and is 7 yrs post-op. YOU WILL GET THERE!!! If I can help you in any way, don't hesitate to contact me.
   — Twanda S.

April 3, 2008
Hey Kathy, I had VSG not RNY but I am positeve that stalls are apart of all WLS. You will have many stalls. Stalls last from 1 to 4 weeks, I understand. It is a normal process. While you are not losing your body is reshaping. Get used to it. You surgery is a done deal and you will lose weight as you have already done. Thirty-two pounds in about three weeks is fantastic. Just enjoy the ride. Pat
   — pjennjr

April 3, 2008
Kathy...I will just say..."WHAT THEY SAID!!!" Relax honey! You are on your way! In a will be so full of energy and no one will recognize you! Not a mistake...Your body is just catching up with how well you have already done!
   — .Anita R.

April 3, 2008
ThaT, my friend, is alot of weight to loose in 3 weeks. I am 4 days out of surgery and if i am down that much in 3 weeks i will be dancing on the table tops!!!! Keep expectations real you are doing great!!!
   — Terri C.

April 3, 2008
Let me get this right Kathy, you have lost 32 pounds in almost one month, and you are feeling regret? Snap out of it girl, be faithful, some people lose just 2 pounds every week even after surgery. You will have to fight for your weight loss every week, and i lost 120 pounds, but I never lost that fast. I think you are feeling sorry for yourself, and that is ok, just recognize it for what it is and celebrate the 32 pounds you lost! That is not only great, it is superior. Go for a walk today and celebrate, and maybe, just maybe even drink an extra glass of water! Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

April 4, 2008
You seem to be doing well on the weight loss. People lose at different times and your body has just gone through a trememdous change. It is still in shock and has to get use to the surgery you had. I don't know how you can look at the weight loss that you had and not see a postivie in it. I am almost 6 months out and have lost 79 poounds. I would like to have more but I am happy that I have lost. I wouldn't change any of my life since surgery because I finally have a life which I didn't have before. I love things and people more. It shows since now when I go out people smile and talk to me on the street. I never got that before. I am a person now. Good luck and just know that the weight will come off in your bodies time and not in anyone elses time. You need to stop weighing yourself all the time. I know it is hard but I weigh one time a week, usually Monday morning. Stop looking at the numbers too. I concentrate to much on them and I have had doctors tell me to stop checking numbers because they are just numbers and nothing else.
   — Brenda R.

April 4, 2008
I'm so sorry you feel this way, but I completely understand as I have gone through the same thing. :) I did find out that the reasons why some people may not lose right at first is because of all the fluids that are pumped into you while at the hospital. And if you needed more iv bags than any other person that also will add to your weight/or have the affect of not losing weight. At first.. Give it a few weeks those pounds will start coming off and you wont believe how fast they will.. :) Watch your carbs, I do not eat anything over 19g of carbs per meal.. The reason why I do this is because when you start to exercize the first thing that comes off is the carbs you have eaten for that day... For breakfast I have (im 7 months out now) a piece of cheese and 2-3oz of yogurt light & fit has the least amount of sugar in it.. cheese has been my life saver on top of my protein shakes.. I didn't like them at first, but I have taken the chocolate and added splenda and peanutbutter to it and tastes just like a reeses.. :) The bannana shake I use sf vanilla pudding in with it to give the taste of bannana cream pies.. I hope this helps, know that you are not alone it will work out. Keep your chin up. God bless you Paula
   — japaad

April 4, 2008
I know exactly how you feel. I lost 26lbs the first 2 weeks after lapband 3/10/08 and then even gained some back once off the liquid diet. I kept that weight for a little over two weeks and then i decided to re evaluate my diet a bit and start walking a little more and boom the weight i gained back is all gone. the scale is going down again and im happy!!! dont think it was a mistake I started at 391 and im down to 365. The same diet doesnt work for everyone... I found that when I ate more carbs the weight came off again also it is sooo important to eat your required protein. Don't think you made a mistake. you took control of your life and thats amazing!!! When I gained the weight back I got scared that I was going to fail at this too but its that mentality that caused me to fail dozens of times before. You have to take charge of your mind and make a decision to silence the ity bity sh*ty committe in your head and make this work. The surgery wont do it for you.... you can do this!!! keep up the great work!
   — Rachelena

April 7, 2008
Hmmmm I had surgery on 2/12/08 and have only lost 12 pounds. So forgive me if I sound mean but jeez shut up and enjoy the progress yo are making. Some of us....ME haven't lost the weight I thought, I spend 3-6 days a week at the gym eat like I am supposed to and if anyone should have any regrets I am thinking me, but I don't because I have faith that my Dr. knows what she is doing and the slower the progress the better...less droopy skin and such! Please don't take the shut up thing too personal but I guess after reading your post it made me think about my frustrations with the weight loss......I mean lack there of. ENJOY YOUR PROGRESS, this is going to be the best journey in your life!! Best to you and hug yourself you are going to be more beautiful than you already are!!
   — KristinaSilvasy

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