What kind of exercise can be done with bad knees?

I am still waiting for surgery date. I lost 35 lbs. and was doing good until my knees went out on me, now I live with daily pain, some days better than others. I have gained 10 lbs back because I haven't been able to exercise. Are there any suggestions out there?    — humper (posted on June 6, 2008)

June 6, 2008
Water exercise is great for a past nurse I would advise water aerobics or swimming all the time for overweight individuals, people with high blood pressure etc.It is less stress on the is wonderful cardiovascular toning and the water is ever so calming especially with summer on our tails..I live on an island so the water is VERY much a part of our lifestyle here. I hope this is of some help.
   — caymanbabe

June 6, 2008
I had bad knees prior to RNY WLS. I worked out in the pool, I went to water arobic classes a few times a week until I lost some weight and was able to stand on my feet again. Now that I have lost over 100 lbs, my legs are doing much better. I had to lose the weight because they could not work on my legs at the size they were. Despite the fact the cartledge is gone, I work with little pain, and have decided to weight on Knee replacement until they get bad again. I still do water arobics, but now I can work out at the gym 6 days a week, play golf and Sunday I am doing a 5 mile beach walk with a group of people. I had a lifetime handycap plate for my car, asd I could hardley reach a store to ride in a cart from my car parked at the door. I now park at the far end and walk, and I wall to the grocery story, just for the excersize. You will be surprised following surgery how much better you feel after 8-10 weeks. Try a stationary bike that you can drive with your arms and just let your legs ride on the pedles. Also try weight from a bench. Do upper body excersize, unitl your legs are able to handle your upper boody weight. Best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

June 6, 2008
Water Aerobics, I have two knee replacements and metal rod and screws in my back and that is what my doctor said to do. I had lap band 4-16-08 and that is great exercise for me to do for that. Good Luck, knew the pain....
   — dyates2948

June 6, 2008
Without leaving your home, you can order a "chair exercise" DVD from many places. These are designed for folks with mobility problems. In my education class prior to surgery, we had to try these out. You'd be surprised that you could work up a sweat in a few minutes with these. You basically do exercises sitting on a straight backed chair. Music was on the one I saw, with an instructor showing how the exercise was done properly. I think OH even has one, so you might look. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

June 6, 2008
Water arobics
   — Alvernlaw

June 6, 2008
I walked with a cane from arthritic knees prior to surgery and had a hard time as well. Like everyone else...water was the ONLY thing that didn't cause as much pain. The resisitance from the ater was not nearly as bad as putting my 315 lbs of weight on them. Blue Emu oil helps witht he pain. It's a topical rub that truly helps. I found it at walmart...It's a little pricy, but really helps to take the edge off bad days and give great relief on milder days. Floor exercise helped a lot too. Pilates type work outs that don't have you hopping around like a bouncing ball. Using weights or even large cans of soup and doing arm ecercise helps...Any muscle you build will help burn fat...I sat on the floor and twisted at the waist, and did simple things to try to get in as much as I could without hurting my knees. Anything even just stretching is better than nothing. I cut back on carbs and replaced with protein to offset my lack of being able to exercise like I wanted to and lost ten lbs two weeks before surgery. I didn't have to do any liquid diets or have to lose any weight pre op...but I did because I heard it made surgery easier on the doc... Good luck...
   — .Anita R.

June 6, 2008
Oh, I sympathize with kneecaps are shot and I am unable to kneel or take stairs. However, water aerobics helps enormously with the pain for me. In the water, I can do just about anything and it helps build up the muscles around the painful areas. And water aerobics are fun! Good luck!
   — angelzhere

June 7, 2008
You might want to get the knee checked out while you wait for surgery. You might be able to get a cortisone shot to ease the chronic pain. Depending on what you did to it, you could still have pain even after you lose lots of weight.
   — merryterry

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