Why do people seem to have a difficult time posting complete questions?

I'm not trying to be offensive, or anything. But, dang! How difficult is it to type a complete question??? Perhaps, we should only type partial answers? LOL    — PaulaJ (posted on October 16, 2009)

October 16, 2009
Wow. Does it really affect you that bad? I mean to the point you had to make a question about it? Maybe some people aren't good with words, heck some may not even know what a complete sentence is. Chill! Or get a hobby.
   — Katrina B.

October 16, 2009
Are you going to start grading us on grammar and spelling as well?
   — Nina15137

October 17, 2009
Gosh, one time i hit enter instead of space and it posted an incomplete question. does that make me a complete idiot? i guess when you are perfect, the trivial things like this might bug you. thank God the people who have answered my questions were imperfect like me. So, do you have any serious questions to ask or are you just here to judge as this question doesn't have anything to do with any aspect of WLS.
   — Dawn A.

October 17, 2009
Maybe some people do not put a whole sentence because they want people to read their question. By just putting a word it might make people interested to see what the question is.
   — cuppaloopy

October 17, 2009
Personally I think that a question that asks for precise information is easiest to answer. For example to ask, "What will Blue Cross require for me to be approved for RNY surgery?" Is an impossible to answer question, if the user asked "What will Blue Cross of Calif, PPO plan require for me to be approved for RNY surgery?" is answerable. Without all the information people are just guessing and could most likely give you inaccurate information.
   — rkurquhart

October 17, 2009
It is better when they give a complete thought so you know if you can help them. Soem people are not as good with computers and so you just have to accept it.
   — trible

October 17, 2009
Just an thought..why worry about someones PET PEVEES... "DANG" wasn't in a proper sentence.. People this is for help..not english clas..just help one kind
   — tootsie52

October 17, 2009
I know what you mean. I get embarrassed for people who use "Loosing weight" instead of "losing weight" or use all caps. If US literacy was judged by the posts here, 60% of the population is learning disabled. Hmmm...maybe that's true!
   — Lady Bugg

October 17, 2009
Like I said, I wasn't trying to be offensive and I wasn't trying to be the punctuation or grammar police. LOL I just had hoped to make people realize that they are likely to get more answers to their questions if they complete a whole thought in their question. And the answers that they get will most likely be more accurate, too. Again, in the first line of my post....I said that it was NOT my intention to be offensive. Perhaps, some out there are a little too gung ho to find something to be offended about. Geez!
   — PaulaJ

October 17, 2009
Paula, I took no offense to your statement. I believe it would be helpful if the person asking the question would state the type of surgery they had or intend to have, also. I think the content of the question is more important than the spelling. Nancy
   — flybaby46

October 17, 2009
This is my first post. I'm actually somewhat intimidated by the strong feelings that seem to come out on this "support group". I know that I need to reach out, but it's hard sometimes. Paula, I think you were perfectly nice and made a good point...designed simply to make the Q and A more helpful. It is much easier to respond if all details are given, whether in sentence form or not. I know everyone has different computer skills, grammar, etc. and that's fine-isn't the whole thing about be accepting? Please be kind everyone, it's easy to read things into posts or email that touch something off within yourself. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and a great journey, and feels free to ask for help along the way!
   — Sarah W.

October 18, 2009
They probably post partial questions
   — Lyndsay30

October 19, 2009
Paula makes a good point. I didn't take her request as judgemental. There have been times when I wasn't sure exactly what a person was asking.
   — Muggs

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