I am one year post op from GB and am taking Abilify

Hello I am on year post from GB surgery and have lost 60 pounds. Does anyone else take Abilify and having slow wt loss?    — StlX (posted on May 15, 2010)

May 16, 2010
Dear Larry....I know that a lot of anti-depressives can cause weight GAIN, so it would seem a given that even if you've had gastric bypass surgery, if you're taking an anti-depressant, you would have slow weight LOSS. Are you finding that you're eating more than you should be due to hunger possibly caused by the medication? The nutritionist in my surgeon's office recommends 5-6 small meals per day, each one about 250 to 275 calories. I actually end up eating more like 3 meals and 2 small snacks per day, and maybe a protein shake at night before bed, totalling about 1200 calories per day. At one year out, I had lost 140 pounds, and am maintaining that loss at 14 months. Of course, I was able to exercise like a madwoman for the first 9 months after surgery (then had to completely stop this past January due to back problems the eventually required surgery). So, I guess that would be my next question....are you getting all your exercise in? If so, then you're doing everything right...and the only thing I might suggest is that you see if you can kick your exercise level up a notch, or change it around, or maybe see if there's a way to drop back down to a lower calorie level while still maintaining your protein requirements. A last option would be to discuss the Abilify with your physician, and see if there is another med that you could try that doesn't have weight gain or diabetes as a side effect. Wish I could be of more help.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

May 17, 2010
I take 20mg of abilify, I've been on it for about 4 years now. I had rny March 2009 and lost 166lbs to date. It did not cause a slow weight loss for me, however I can't speak for everyone.
   — regina6913

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