very tired the last couple days, WHY?

i had surgery on oct.1st and have been feeling great- lots of energy,etc. but the last 3 or 4 days i have been very tired like before surgery. did this happen to any of ya'll and what was it? i have been taking my supplements & getting in good protein, but my fluid intake isn't so good.    — RNlvnCARSON (posted on December 11, 2007)

December 11, 2007
It could very well be your "not so good" fluid intake. If you're not getting in enough fluid, your going to become de-hydrated and end up in ER. Increase your fluids!!!! I bet you will then see more energy. Good luck, welcome to the losing side and God bless!
   — crystalsno

December 11, 2007
Hi Holly, thanks for writing. You could be getting sick. When I get sick, I don't have a "stomach" type bug, but I get so tired, even when there are no other symptoms. It can also be a simple form of depression. If you are satisfied with your journey so far you may not detect it, but your body could be saying to you "great, you are losing weight and you are not giving in to the food I want you to eat, so I am gonna make you feel heavy (depressed)." It could just be a physical response to the weight loss. Fighting this issue is knowing the truth, staying on the right path, and do something to encourage yourself. Find a thrift shop and buy a new item, or a pair of shoes, or new underwear, something that will encourage you physically that does not include food. Also, a nap or some rest for a few days can help you as well. If you think it is a true "physical" cause, you may want to contact your surgeon and get your bloodwork done, but it will be checked in January anyway for a 3 month checkup, so you might as well wait unless it becomes too much of a burden. Also, could you be sub-consciously be sad about losing out of Christmas feeding frenzy? Just a thought. I wish you well, and hope things come back into check for you. Weight loss is a very emotional issue, even when you are successful! Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

December 11, 2007
Both of these answers are AWSOME!!! Good Advice! But, maybe you have been doing just "simply" too much, too soon! Your body is still "healing" from surgery and it may be telling you, "hey, I need some rest!" Hopefully you will "explore" all these options, reflect on them and make the necessary adjustments. If it's the "depression" thing get help with that. Increase your fluids now and it will all be so much easier farther out!
   — Toni Todd

December 12, 2007
Good morning Holly, I had my surgery on 10/8 and I had experienced that before. You may be a little dehydrated. Try to get some more fluids in, if you can. Sincerely, Want2live32
   — want2live32

December 12, 2007
I'd say you answered your own question. Drink, drink, and drink some more.
   — pjennjr

December 13, 2007
thank you all for your answers!!! i think i found the main reason for my sluggishness- i have a cold now! i am still curious about my labs, but will find out in about 2 1/2 weeks how everything is and will update my profile. to Patricia P.: depression- HELL NO, are you kidding! i think i was depressed before my surgery, but not now! i am just the opposite living a very happy life and loving every minute!! thanks for the advice though, because some people don't realize that depression may be the problem. AGAIN THANKS TO EVERYONE FOR YOUR COMMENTS! until next time..Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

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