I was wondering if some of you could share your weight loss results at 2 mo out

my nutritionist said that the weight loss should be 30 pounds for the first few months Im starting to worry cause my loss since surgery is only 23 pounds and im only consuming about 600-800 cal. a day and 50-60 grams of protien .    — tinluv27 (posted on December 19, 2007)

December 18, 2007
I had the lapband surgery on Oct 25 and I have lost a total of 35 lbs as of this morning.
   — Crystal H.

December 18, 2007
Tina, Congratulations!!!!! that's still great however you didn't mention which surgery you had. I was banded on Oct 11th a lil over 2 months and I'm 35lbs lighter with NO exercise. We don't count calories where I go you just follow the rules. No counting of calories. I stayed on a liquid diet for 4wks after surgery and then a week of soft foods. I think this has a lot to do with the amount of weight I lost so far. I've just been given the clearance to begin working out on Dec 10th 2 months after surery. I have the best surgeon ever.
   — bchicks42

December 18, 2007
I had RYN about 13 1/2 weeks ago and am down 56 lbs since day of surgery. When I was 2 mo out i think I has lost about 35 lbs, so I think you are doing great. Some are slower than others. I don't know what procedure you had done or what your weight was prior. I have been told the bigger you are the more you loose right away. I also do not count calories. I just try to limit my carb intake. Good luck and keep up the good work!
   — juliebelle0402

December 18, 2007
I think 23 pounds is fabulous. Congrats! I was under the understanding that with lap band the weight loss was a bit slower than with RNY because of the various adjustments that are made to make it "just right" I supose. Do not be disappointed. Everyone is different no matter the circumstances. Where you are may just be what is normal for you, be happy and be proud of your achievement. Much good luck and success to you, Leslie
   — LuvNSummer

December 18, 2007
I had the Mini Gastric Bypass (MGB) on October 9th and am down 53 pounds. Tom
   — Tom Y.

December 18, 2007
I had Lap RNY 10/22/07 - and I am down 47#. Just hang in there with your dietary plan......It will come - off!!!!!!! - Pat Cole
   — Pat Cole

December 19, 2007
I lost 55lbs in two months. I had gastric bypass. I know it depends on what type of surgery you have and how much weight you weight before surgery.
   — barfiep01

December 19, 2007
Having started at about 510, I lost a little over 125 pounds my first two months. To speed up your weight loss, think about increasing your protein-- 50 grams is a little low for maximum weight loss. Also, at 600 calories per day, your body may be in "starvation mode", where it tends to hoard any calories that are consumed. By increasing your protein, you will increase your caloric intake which should speed up your weight loss.
   — SteveColarossi

December 19, 2007
I'm five months out RNY and I lost 90 lbs. Make sure your getting enough water, it's very important to get 64 oz a day. Good luck
   — John C.

December 19, 2007
I had RNY 10/31/07
   — tinluv27

December 19, 2007
You didn't say which surgery you had, nor did you state how much you are exercising? You need to do that but also INCREASE your protein! You should be getting a MINIMUM of 70 grams of protein each day. 23 lbs is still good though. That 30 lbs is ONLY on average. It depended on how much you weighed before surgery, as anyone less than 300 lbs will probably have a slower loss than someone weighing over 300 lbs. Welcome to the losing side, good luck and God bless!
   — crystalsno

December 19, 2007
I guess i should of said my stats I weighed 235 b-4 my RNY done 10/31/07 and total loss 23 pounds weight now is 212.
   — tinluv27

December 19, 2007
Us light weights lose slower. I had lost about 30 lbs. at 2 mos. I also found that I did not have the stalls that the larger of us have. I have lost at a very steady rate and at 5 mos have lost about 65 lbs. Try not to compare yourself to others because everyone is different and you can really make yourself miserable. Do try upping your protein and water--it really does help. And--23 lbs!! Congratulations.
   — Christine M.

December 19, 2007
Hi, I had gastric bypass Sept.4,07 and at the 2nd month I had only lost 23lbs and as of now I have lost only 50lb. I am sad about this, but happy I aleast lost some. Good Luck.
   — aluvzu2

December 19, 2007
I had RNY on 10/29 I am down 50lbs but everyone is different, I wish you well and I say watch what you eat, exercise and pray, it works for me..
   — dapoohster38

December 19, 2007
my RNY surgery was 11-26-07 went in at 312 and i, as of today am 279. i feel great. i have had my dayz though. good luck to you. i have not been able to exercise yet, so i guess im doing something right. keep the faith.
   — kimcrain

December 19, 2007
I had rny in July 07. I was and still am a slow loser.. I have lost 56 lbs in 5 months and before surgery I lost 20 lbs. I started out at 256 and today I am at 173. This is why we had this done, not to look like a skinny minny in 2 months but to be healthy and learn to eat correctly.. So i think you are doing great!! My Doctor and nuti told me about 10 lbs a month is good. Its a steady loss you want. I am about where you were at the same time. We also started out close to the same weight.. Be happy with what you are losing and what you are learning..
   — babesintoyland

December 19, 2007
I had my open RNY on 10/8 and I have lost 52 pounds. I am stalled right now. I think your weight loss is great. You have to remember this is a tool and since all bodies are different you really can't compare. Just think it is 23 pounds that you wouldn't have lost before. Keep up the great work.
   — Brenda R.

December 19, 2007
Hi, I am 2 months out 10/19/07. I am down 35lbs. I started at 225. I think this is slow also. But, we can't let that discourage us we must keep it moving. I also stay between 600-800 calories. Not sure if we are to count them, but it makes me feel I am in control. 60-80g Protein. Exercise light, sometimes, must do better.
   — ShowStopper ..

December 19, 2007
i had surgery on oct.1st,2007 and have lost 43 pounds as of today. look at my profile to see my weight chart. you are doing great, keep up the good work. Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

December 19, 2007
Hi Tina, thanks for writing. When I was losing weight at the beginning of my surgery, it was still only about 10 pounds per month. Even with surgery I only lost 1 to 2 pounds per week, but I was pretty consistent with walking 5 miles a day, 2.5 in the morning and 2.5 at night. If you are not exercising, you are cutting yourself off at the knees. Eating all the right stuff only burns so many calories, you have to work out and hard if you want real results. The decision is yours, but so are the consequences. Fight for your weight loss, you are worth it. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

December 19, 2007
I had mine RNY on October 22, 2007 and I have only lost 38 I thought it would of been more and I never cheat I do as I am to, but Dr. said I'm right where I should be hang in there your doing great!
   — campnwego

December 19, 2007
Hi Tina and Great job! I had lap RnY on 10-30 and have lost 29lbs since surgery with a 11 day plateau (grr). I lost 19lbs before surgery on the liquid so have lost 48 total. I started out the journey at 297 and this morning weighed in at 249. Slow but sure but that's the way to go! Keep at it and you'll be there in no time! *hugs*
   — Lori A.

December 20, 2007
I had RNY on 10/16/2007 and as of today, I have lost 48 pounds..... has slowed a lot lately though. : (
   — daisy3172002

December 20, 2007
I had a total revision on 10/17/2007 and I have lost 35 pounds, I know I could do better if only I could eat more protein and drink more water
   — donnabug57

December 20, 2007
Congrats on your weight loss. i think everyone looses differently. I had my RNY ON 10/22. As of this past Friday when i went to the doctor I was down 41 lbs. It seems like sometimes I go for days and remain the same. I stick with the guideline they gave me and that is all I can do, The doctor seemed pleased wth my weight loss but I have not done anything differently and haven's lost since Friday. Go figure....
   — t_roxus

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