not a question but some happy comments

I am 6 mos post op and have lost 109 lbs total including 30 lbs before surgery. Besides the fact that I am off alot of meds and no longer have prediabetes, hbp and cholesterol, there are some other great things too. It is so nice to be able to go to the store and not be in the plus size section. Another big one is the ability to cross my legs and wear high heels again. I was at lunch the other day and I had to squeeze in between 2 chairs and I was about to panic and then i fit in that little space no problem. I am not skinny by any means, still have 30-40 more to go but these little things can make you feel so good. I would like to hear some of ya'll's little things that make you feel good too. Arden    — bikermama (posted on October 31, 2008)

October 31, 2008
I got the flu vaccine a couple of days ago and was feeling like crap when I got up today, cold, achy, just general YUCK! So, I thought I would take a hot bath. You know how you judge how much water to put in the tub so it won't overflow when you get in? I UNDERESTIMATED BIG TIME. There wasn't even enough water to cover me when I got in! I guess 100 pounds displaces a lot of water!
   — Shirley D.

October 31, 2008
I have lost over 145lbs. I am 19 months out. My biggest "moment" is the knowledge that if I have to buy an outfit for a special occasion, I don't have to start looking months before because there was never anything that would fit or look good and it would take me forever to find clothes for a special occasion - now I can go the day of an KNOW that I will find something. I am running a marathon in February and am currently in training. That is never anything I ever thought possible. I will be going to my 20 year high school reunion next year and not be FAT and will be able to strut in with my little size 2/4 body in front of all of those people who used to make fun of me and call me names - looking forward to that. Going on a cruise in April. Can't wait. Crossing Legs was a biggy for me. Wearing heels was another biggy for me, too. Wearing jewelry again - I stopped wearing it for fear of gaining attention. I have found my new love of jewelry. Finding boots that I can wear. Oh... how the list goes on forever. ;)
   — jammerz

October 31, 2008
Way to go Arden! 109 lbs is fantastic! And congrats on your first WOW moment. I wish you many more!! Some of my favorite WOW's were: The first time I went to the doctor and they had to take the extra large blood pressure cuff off the machine and switch it to the regular size adult one. And now they actually have to use a kids cuff because my arm is so Getting on the digital scale and not seeing "ERROR" because it didn't go up that high. Having to pull the drivers seat FORWARD instead of pushing it all the way back. Having someone say excuse me and only having to move to the side instead of OUT of the aisle itself to let them get by. Sitting in one of those plastic lawn chairs and not only being able to get out of it without having my rear end wedges into it but also not having all my flab hanging out of the sides under the arm rests. I could go on and on but I think you get the drift : ) Good luck to you and again, CONGRATS!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 31, 2008
Congratulations Arden ... you're are doing fantastically! A couple weeks ago I was cruising the personal care items at the store and came across Calgon bubble bath. I haven't even considered taking a bubble bath in many, many years ... showers were the only possibility because we have a standard-sized tub. I got practically giddy, bought the bubble bath, went home and put the groceries away, and went had me a BUBBLE BATH!! And I fit in the tub with plenty of room to spare! What a strange thing to get so excited about, huh? But I was! ;-) Enjoying those little things that seem so minor or taken for granted, but when you haven't been able to do them in forever, they really become special. Cindy
   — Cindy E.

October 31, 2008
Arden, Congratulations on such a BIG achievement, I cannot wait to feel the same way you into a small space! Also not have to shop the Women's section. Keep up the good work, you've come along way Baby! :)
   — Farmgirl58

October 31, 2008
My favorite moment so far was not having to ask for a seat belt extension on the airplane! Congratulations on your success!
   — glasband

October 31, 2008
Oh there are so many of the small things, being able to clip my toenails, being able to wash my own back, fitting into standard seats and outdoor seating, theater seats, being able to navigate a crowded room without feeling like a giant ogre, more room in the car, more room in our king size bed with 300lbs missing from it(mine and hubbies weight lost), breathing, walking stairs like a regular human being instead of an 95 yeard old. Oh I could probably go on, I do not miss the 135 lbs that I have lost...Congrats for your weight loss, we say its the little things, butu those little thing, my friend reminds me everyday, are really big things when you miss out on them for much of your life...
   — lori042499

October 31, 2008
What a cool topic! It's fun to read everyone's special moments and realize we have had them too! In addition to being able to fit on an airplane without an extender I was thrilled to be able to fit on all rides and not have to get off in shame because the belt wouldn't go around me. It has been great fun to run into some of the "beautiful people" from high school and now I'm their size or SMALLER!! I think one of the most lasting things was something an ex-supervisor did. She and a co-worker were talking in the hallway and I needed to pass. I said excuse me and turned sideways to squeeze by. My boss stopped and told me that I didn't need to walk sideways anymore, that there was plenty of room for me to walk normal. I couldn't see myself as normal so she made it her mission to help me. Oh, and the clothes! I wore my first (and only) short dress and mini-skirt and nobody burst into flames lol! I got way too much attention in those outfits so I don't dress like that anymore but man was it fun and it was a great ego boost lol! Enjoy these times Arden and please keep posting them here as they help some of us older post ops remember th early days. Great job and keep it up!
   — Kellye C.

October 31, 2008
Congratulations....I am also 6 months post-op I have gone from 220 to 140lbs and down from a size 22 to a size 14 almost a 12 I am right with you as far as the little things that other people take for granted ...that we can now do...cross my legs .. But I think the best moment for me was when I can lay next to my boyfriend and be so close to him and not have my stomach and all that fat get in the way...and he can hug me with his arms all the way around me and not just half way... There are so many things that i could list...but it seems that you already know ... Keep up the good work and kkep on loosing Elisa in Ohio
   — british88

November 1, 2008
I am 7 months post op and have lost 93lbs to date. I feel great! My 10 year old son can now put his arms around me and hug me. That is an incredible feeling. But also, a couple of weeks ago, we went to the Navy Ball and I wore this light blue strapless gown (size 10 and not black, as I usually do). My daughters said I looked like Cinderella. I danced at the Ball and didnt get all sweaty and hot or even out of breath. I was so happy. And then some woman came up to me and told me that my dress was beautiful and that " I had an incredible body"!!!!!!! I just about burst into tears at that very moment. I would have this surgery a million times has saved my life and made me feel like a normal person again. :)
   — treksrowe

November 1, 2008
Congrats! Way to go!! I am 11 months post op 140llbs lost!!! I was a size 30/32 and going into a store for size 12-14 just amazes me , sometimes I don't even know how to act!!! I feel confident, and great!! I still have another 40llbs or so to go, but yeah I hear ya girl, it's great feeling that achievement, I had spinal surgery2 years prior to my gastric bypass and my back feels 90% better(I still get some bad days) but everyone around me tells me how great I look, which even raises your spirit! I am a Girl Scout leader and we went to see HSM 3 and it felt great to fit into a theater seat and not have my hips stick out of the sides of the seat lol I crossed my legs and enjoyed the show. It's those little things in life that make me happy!!! Good luck to you!!
   — lisa3959

November 1, 2008
It was so wonderful to read your happy comments! You have done well! (can't believe it's been 6 mos!!!) And you still have several months of "honeymoon time" left! Good for you! My wow moments are so long ago, but I still appreciate them all and relived them thru everyone else's new wow moments! So thanks! And congrats! You keep working that tool! You look amazing on your bike!
   — .Anita R.

November 1, 2008
This all sounds great. I'm looking forward to giving out the same great comments a couple of months from now. I haven't had the surgery yet but I've lost 18lbs so far. I already can tell the difference with just a seat belt. Thanks for the good comments.
   — Corina C

November 1, 2008
thanks to everyone who responded and to all the nice comments. sure does make me feel good. take care Arden
   — bikermama

November 1, 2008
Thanks for your question....I know I am a little late in responding. I am 8 months post-op RNY and am down 171lbs which includes the 22lbs I lost before the surgery. Today I went through my billfold and cut up a credit card for a large size ladies store which I will never need again. Another neat thing happened to me at the bank - I went to cash a third party check and the teller questioned me about my drivers license since the photo and wt didn't match what he saw in front of him. Little things like this make it worth it all!!!!!
   — AuntPamcakes4six

November 2, 2008
Arden, that's great! I am scheduled for my RNY on 11/13/08 and I know exactly what you mean by crossing your legs. My hope is to be able to cross my legs indian style- i don't think I was ever able too. Keep being a big loser it has got to be rewarding!
   — bre25

November 3, 2008
I am only 3 mos out, but here goes: 1. I have lost 84 inches and 64 lbs 2. I can walk without running out of breath 3. I can do so many things now with my kids that I could not do even 5 years ago 4. I can fit(and some of it loose) clothes that I have not fitted in, over 4 yrs ago when I was diagnosed w/ hypothyroidism thats all I can think of now, but there is so much more that I am glad about!
   — dawnie28

November 3, 2008
Dear Arden I completely understand what you are feeling, I am 7mo post RNy and have lost a total of 85 lbs and a heck of alot of inches, just to be exact i wore a sice 22 and now wear 12. It is the most wonderful feeling, I too love to cross my legs, and wearing high heels is a must for me now. ( I am only 5'1) I have always loves them. I enjoy exercising and now feeling over worked and out of breath. I love shopping in the ladies and not the full size dept. This has been a great journey, there was some difficulty but they do not compare to what I am feeling now. Best of luck to you.Charnita
   — cbraxton

November 6, 2008
This is a great thread! :-) LOL. I am down 210 pounds - went from a size 30 to a size 6. Everytime I get on an airplane and fit in the coach seat (with room to spare), sit in a restuarant booth, tie my shoes, wear high heels, purchase a size "small" shirt, fit into skinny jeans, buy a shirt without trying it on, walk up a flight of stairs without thinking about it - I smile like crazy. Its funny how much impact the small things have on you. I would do the surgery (lap RNY) 100x over. I am no longer trapped in my own body. It's terrific!
   — waferqueen

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