Ok pregnant and gaining. Can I get some advice?

I am almost 2 years post op ( March 07) And was 310 got down to 169 ended up averaging and staying around 175. I am happy with that , I looked and felt great. Never stayed on a consistent exercise regimen, just always stayed active. I am now 2 months pregnant and , MAN, Im nauseous all the time, have absolutely no energy, am consistently tired , and on top of all that I can pretty much eat anything now. My body is craving carbs horribly bad. Even though I try and monitor what I am eating ( i still don't turn to fast food or cookies and cakes, no sodas, either) but I find I can't get enough of pastas and breads! Its the only thing that seems to satisfy my nausea. I have put on 10 lbs. I am deathly scared of being as big as I was. And at this rate I am . I know I am not supposed to diet, but what can I do? A lot of the proteins I try to fill myself with make me sick as a dog, except protein drinks. Anyone have any suggestions or have a similar experience? Thanks so much Me    — AmmUnique (posted on November 14, 2008)

November 14, 2008
Maybe this will pass when your out of your first trimester. Try using small amount of carbs before your protein or only in the am when your nausea is worse. Or whenever your is worse. Remember to keep your fluid intake up. And if your really having a hard time ask your doctor about an anti-emetic. Congrats
   — urbrat2

November 14, 2008
Instead of breads and pastas try eating 4 or 5 saltines to calm the nausea. I had my 2 daughters before my sureger, but saltines were my best friend for my youngest daughter. Have you talked to your OB and your surgen about a game plan for getting through this? I know that I only gained 20 lbs with my second one.... You can do this.... it does get easier after the first trimester. Walking is also very good for expecting mothers.
   — phyllismmay

November 14, 2008
Try posting your question at the Postop Pregnancy Board under " forums"... You will probably find many others in your situation there. Good luck and congrats...I wish you much luck with your prenancy! Be healthy!
   — .Anita R.

November 14, 2008
Congrats on your prior weight loss and pregnancy. Being nauseaus, no energy and tired is perfectly normal for the first trimester. I agree with the other author that perhaps a few nibbles on saltines would be better to try to curb the nausea. I would recommend continuing with the protein shakes and lots of fluids until you can get in to see your OBGYN and dietician which should be asap. If you are prescribed something for the nausea, you can rest and not run to food. Don't allow yourself to get dehydrated and try to get in some exercise everyday. You absolutely do not have to gain a lot of weight if you put your mind to it that this is going to be a healthy and happy pregnancy. See your doc and dietician asap and get a game plan going for the duration. Should make you feel better. Best of luck and do check out the pregnancy forum here on OH. Best of luck, Dawn Vickers
   — DawnVic

November 14, 2008
Thank you all for responding so quickly.I like the saltines suggestions, I have actually been nibbling on ritz which I know is not great but my main staple had been a couple of ritz and cheeses and ritz and tuna through out my post op. So I have been accustomed to them. I have a scheduled appointment later in the month so I had planned on discussing all this with them. The unfortunate thing is that I have moved out of state to a very rural are with little support as far as this surgery is concerned. So finding a qualified bariatric doctor is asking alot around here. Exercise exercise ...yes it would probably be a good idea at this point to get into a routine, huh? Well again thanks so much. Me
   — AmmUnique

November 14, 2008
Please do come over to the post-op pregnancy forum...the ladies there will give a tremendous amount of support and advice...including telling you to increase your carbs a little - try for healthier whole wheat type carbs rather than processed stuff - to help with brain development for your baby. Congratulations and good luck.
   — Hollywog

November 15, 2008
I have a HUGE piece of prego advice for you. Tell your OB/GYN that they have to regularly monitor your Iron & B12. I became so deficient during my pregnancy that I had to have Iron infused by IV once a week during my last trimester, just cause the baby takes it all, and you will have Iron & B12 issues because of the surgery. I have an extremely happy & healthy 4 year old now!!! SO WORTH IT!!!
   — Kelly T.

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