Liquid stage..need help!!

I am about to start the clear liquid diet for 2 days before surgery and then the 2 days after surgery. Does anyone have any suggestions beside chicken broth? - Thanks Hether M.    — Hethermarie (posted on April 10, 2009)

April 10, 2009
   — ME.IN.AZ

April 10, 2009
Oh god, I don't even want to think of that stage. Let's see, I had juices, broth, water, and pretty much popsicles. I'm still living on those. I'm 2 1/2 weeks out of RNY and on the soft food stage. Good luck!!
   — Bootsee01

April 10, 2009
I am about to have surg. and I had to the liquid diet for 14 days (2 week)I'm on my 11th day
   — bushca1

April 10, 2009
You can also have sugar free jello.. My doc siad to dilute the fruit juices. My favorite was swanson vegetable broth. Happy drinking !!
   — LoriLynn1515

April 10, 2009
It really wasn't so bad knowing that I'd finally made it to surgery. I had surgery last monday. It's Thursday and I'm getting hungry. I'm starting to put protein powder in everything. The ones from Unjury are great! After surgery the drugs kept me from even thinking about food. They probably will you too. I took me until wednesday to realize i was hungry again. Now I'm hoping to make it to next Tuesday so I can go to soft foods. I never knew how exciting that could be!
   — fortyandfat95831

April 10, 2009
I would cook ramen and just drink the soup, or strain chicken noodle soup and drink that. Those were my favorites.
   — alojah82

April 10, 2009
I had my surgery 4/6/09 and I'm still on clears until i see my surgeron 4/16/09, I did the sawson chicken broth and vegetable, sugarfree popsicles and jello, and cyrstal light and my favorite Hawaiian puch lemon berry sugar free powder.
   — metamorphosis28

April 10, 2009
Hi Hether, try and click on the health & nutrition tab. You will see many recipies for different stages of the surgury and for the shakes also. GL 2U :)
   — michelle caballero

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