surgery right after christmas

Does anyone have to fast for christmas? I do. I know I have to do it and I will. Just wish they made jello that tasted like pumpkin pie. Any advice would help.    — cuppaloopy (posted on November 15, 2009)

November 15, 2009
You can do it! Just tell yourself you are giving yourself a great gift by not eating and following your doctor's orders. It is only temporary that you have to give up a holiday. I had my surgery last Dec. 10 so the holidays were not the same. Think of the military and how many of them will just be eating k-rations.
   — edgehanger

November 15, 2009
I want to have my surgery right after Christmas, so I will be on the liquid diet also. I just figure I have a little head start towards weight loss for summer. Good luck to you Dawn
   — Hilkerrt

November 15, 2009
Thanks guys that helps.
   — cuppaloopy

November 15, 2009
Maybe plan an early Christmas dinner with the family.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 15, 2009
During my last week before my surgery I did eat some solid proteins once or twice. I would think if you just ate some turkey you would be ok, just don't eat skin and white meat only, and just a couple of ounces of it. Stay away from the fats and carbs.
   — rkurquhart

November 15, 2009
congrats on getting a date so soon! Best of luck to you and just think, this time next year you will be a new you! Hugs,Kim
   — gpcmist

November 15, 2009
I had my surgery last year on December 17th. Although I didn't have to fast during Christmas, I was quite limited in what I could eat at that time. The hardest time for me was when everyone sat down to eat. I was able to endure that by drinking a protein shake in a room by myself and meditate on how this was a new beginning for me. It really helped and everyone in the family was very supportive--even if they were a bit ignorant by offering me things to eat! This is a wonderful thing you are doing for yourself and your future! You can do this and I wish you the best of everything this holiday!!
   — terribeth

November 16, 2009
During my pre op diet I spoke to my doctors and was able to have high protien foods chewed very well (to mush) and veggies chewed well too. The idea is to have the liver work as little as possible so that it doesn't have to process food. That's why it needs to be high protien low fat low carb and liquid or very well chewed up. I suggest talking to your docter as well. I also recommend enjoying limited amounts of what you can prior to starting the diet so you don't feel deprived and plan a nice dinner the day before you start you'll enjoy it. Once you start losing the weight and feel better you will know it was all worth it.
   — Lisa von Wallmenich

November 16, 2009
Betty well said! This is your gift to yourself!!
   — FSUMom

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