Any experiences with Zyprexa post-op?

I am three months post-op (and down 45 pounds)and have experienced an increase in depression recently. I've had recurrent major depressions and am already on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds but I visited my psychiatrist today because the symptoms have gotten worse in the last three weeks. He gave me Zyprexa and said it's side effects are increased appetite and weight gain but that this shouldn't be a problem for me since I've had gastric bypass surgery. I already experience hunger so I'm leery about taking anything that will increase my hunger. Has anyone had any experience with Zyprexa, good or bad? I already take Effexor, lorazapam and Remeron. When I started taking Remeron (pre-op) I gained 35 pounds practically overnight -- not something I want to repeat! Laura    — Laura K. (posted on September 18, 2003)

September 17, 2003
I cannot answer anything about the meds you ask but did you ask him why he just did not increase your Effexor? It is far that you understand why it is important to risk trying a new med with possible undesirable side effects. I would call him back and ask if an increased dose of Effexor could be tried first and tell him your concerns. Tell him that you are such an early post-op and that the first 6-12 months is so critical in the overall weight loss picture that you do not want to gamble with this new med. But also tell him that if the increased Effexor doesn't work you will try the others, so that he realizes you are not totally trying to control this and tell him how to do his job but that you are very concerned and looking for a compromise. I know my psychiatrist would listen to that or make it clear to me why it was critical I go with what he prescribed. You are the person putting the medication in your body and to be compliant with treatment you need to understand why he is prescribing this and why other options won't work. You do have a say here.
   — zoedogcbr

September 18, 2003
My husband gained about 50 pounds on Zyprexa, and I know another person who gained 100 pounds in a year on it. There are so many meds available, I would try to avoid this one. It is true you've had the surgery, but doesn't that mean you'd be even more frustrated because you'd be hungry all the time and unable to try to quench it? Just my opinion. Paxil has worked very well for my depression.
   — bethybb

September 19, 2003
I would not recommend anything that comes with increased appetite as a side effect. I went from chubby to morbidly obese that way. Luvox is an anti depressant that suppresses - or at least does NOT encourage appetite. Perhaps you could ask about that. Its generic name is Fluvoxamine.
   — Diana D.

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