I would like a little advice please!

Howdy, My name is Stephanie, and I got news Monday the 10th that I would be having wls on the 24th of this month. Could you all give me some do's and dont's for the PATS on the 18th. Also, I would like one piece of advice that you wish you knew before you had wls. ANYTHING, just something that you wish youd known before hand! Thanks so much for reading this! Steph    — squeekypete (posted on April 13, 2006)

April 13, 2006
do not work until the last minute. Take couple days off before the surgery and spend the last day relaxing and surrounded by love and serenity to go in relaxed and ready. Good Luck Dani
   — Dani96

April 13, 2006
HI, I agree with the last comment, take some time to enjoy the last few days before surgery and dont overbuy stuff for when you get home, I made the mistake of buying lots of flavered waters (which I now cant tolerate..) and bought lots of mushy baby food.. which I also didnt eat..luckily my cousin had a baby so I gave them to her.. alot of what you will like will be trial and error, so just buy small things to try.. oh and a good idea someone told me is to bring a pair of tongs to the hospital to help pick up stuff and itch if needed.. sounds stupid, but was great advice, especially if you are going with the open RNY.. Good luck!! April
   — April

April 13, 2006
Although you are really excited about your upcoming surgery (and I remember that feeling!) no one told me how to deal with the emotional changes that come from losing a lot of weight. The world sees you differently, and you will also see yourself differently. I am a much stronger person now, which has caused some relationships around me to have to change, and some people cannot accept the new me. As far as the preadmission testing - don't sweat that, just do whatever they instruct you to do before hand.
   — koogy

April 13, 2006
Also Steph; be prepared to deal with some level of depression afterward as well. Some of it will be due to the hormonal changes that will occur post op, and also due to the change in your relationship toward the food and the sudden small amounts that you will consume. Good luck!
   — robin.s2000

April 13, 2006
21-22" necklace to hold the tubing while you shower.
   — tweazee

April 13, 2006
Hey Steph, first congrats on your recent surgery date! Don't worry about the PATS - just go in and be normal b/c it's really going to show the docs what they can expect with the surgery. Be sure not to let anything freak you out... I'm sure you have researched and thought about this surgery for quite some time... just take everything as it comes... it's all going to be trial and error for the first few weeks. I remember being miserable (not from pain, but from the quick change in lifestyle) the first week or two, but always try to stay strong and know that after the third week or so your life is just going to get better and better. I promise you that you will be most happy a month or two down the line. Let me know if you have any other questions! Good luck!
   — SJSlesnick

April 13, 2006

   — Maddielq

April 13, 2006
Just remember this is major surgery and sometimes there are complications. Besure you really want this because once you start there is no turning back.

April 13, 2006
There are as many and perhaps more mental emotional and realtionship changes as the physical one everyone sees.It helps greatly to be a member of a support group, of people who have already been thru this. MOST IMPORTANT! Enjoy the ride, the weight loss was the most fun I ever had in my life!
   — bob-haller

April 13, 2006
greetings from Canada! Congrats on the date...I started a journal before I went in, poured out my soul, took measurements, including my "big fat roll" and wrote a letter to my daughter and common law saying all the things I ever wanted to say "just in case" reading them now...five years later I am amazed at how much I have gained from the experience...If you are having an open rny, as weird as it sounds, BBQ tongs and baby wipes are a girls best friend when it comes to trying to bend over and wipe! Spend some quality time with yourself, appreciate life, and the people that love you... One thing that I wish I had known before was the withdrawl, not from little bitty pills, from food, there were a few times that I would sit in my house and cry because I just wanted to chew something!!!! I would have been very willing to kill for 7-11 nachos and cheese!!! I don't smoke, have never done drugs but I now think I have a SMALL idea at what they go through... one last thought, when your laying there in bed, sore, tired and sick of baby food, just think that "this too shall pass"!! Good luck and keep us posted! Stace
   — staceymae

April 13, 2006
"Also, I would like one piece of advice that you wish you knew before you had wls. ANYTHING, just something that you wish youd known before hand!" Not that it has made me regret having the surgery, but prepare yourself for "gaseous emissions." Doesn't matter what I eat, my *bouquets* tend to create visions of brussel sprouts/cabbage/rotten eggs. It is extremely hard to control and, quite often, takes you unawares at times when you are doing your best not to feel the release. I find that using Equate (WalMart's generic) Gas-X before after a meal tends to keep the critters under control for awhile. Some people feel it is what you eat (i.e., protein, carbs, vegetables, roughage, etc.), but I haven't been able to pinpoint my trigger(s). Putting a positive spin on it... think of the delivery of a bouquet as leaving a little weight behind you. ;)
   — itsirk301

April 13, 2006
yeah, not "before after" just after.
   — itsirk301

April 13, 2006
The big mistake I made before surgery that I wish I had known about before, I knew that Diet Coke was out of the question after surgery so I loaded up on it and drank all I could I went nuts yes I was a coke-aholic any way I was so dehydrated when I was in the hospital my pee was orange almost brown , made it very uncomfortable especially since I couldn't drink anything for the first couple of days after surgery. Chapstick helped a little but not much. can we say parched ???? Good Luck it is totally worth it. Pam
   — sunnie

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