How much should I exercise??

I just have a quick question. I want to be sure not to have any complications from surgery (which is next THURSDAY!! I can't wait!!) so I want to be sure that I walk enough after surgery. Does anyone have any input on how often or how long each day you walked when you came home from the hospital? Also, does anyone bowl? How long was it before you were allowed to bowl again?    — Patti M. (posted on May 1, 2006)

May 1, 2006
Hi! My surgeon gave me a booklet that says: No heavy lifting for 4 weeks, then start light lifting. Walk as much as you can without becoming too tired. Increase your activities gradually so by 6 weeks after surgery you would be walking 1-2 miles daily. I hope this helps.
   — KathyE

May 1, 2006
I started wlking after a week-just a few blocks. By now(3 1/2 weeks out) I'm up to 1 mile, once or twice a day. Bowling would probably have to wait for at least a month, as they recommend with any major surgery that you not lift more than 10 pounds for one month. The way you have to swing the ball behind, and then out in front would really pull on your healing abdomen. You don't want complications down the road because of bowling too soon. Ask your surgeon. Then you'll really know, instead of guessing.
   — Jenny1

May 1, 2006
You should exercise @ least 3 to 4 times/ week. That should consist of regular Cardio exercise, and than gradually incorporating strength training of some kind for toning.
   — robin.s2000

May 1, 2006
I started bowling about 6 weeks after my surgery.
   — Danita S.

May 1, 2006
I'm not a bowler so I can't help you there. As far as walking goes, you should do as much as you feel up to doing, but don't be disappointed if it's not a lot at the beginning. When I came home from the hospital, I walked to my parent's house - next door, and I was tired. Then I'd wlk home after a brief rest. Then I walked to the end of the block. Every day I tried to go a little farther until eventually I got up to 4 miles a day. Then I tried to increase my speed, but this took months. I remember in the very beginning, like the first week or so, I was so tired. My brother called me to see how I was feeling and I told him I was afraid something was wrong because I was just so tired. I walked a block then wanted to take a nap. He reminded me that I just had major surgery and it was normal to be tired. He told me to take baby steps, but keep at it. That was good advice. It must've been since I lost 150 pounds. So don't be disappointed if you're not ready to run a marathon when you first get home from the hospital. Do what you can, and keep going. You'll get there. Best wishes for health and happiness always.
   — djfoz

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