When would be a good time to get a perm?

I am 7 weeks out and I have very thin, baby fine hair and it hard to manage without a perm. I know when I get a perm I lose hair to breakage. So when will it be safe to get a perm? I am so afraid of losing my hair.    — CindySue66 (posted on July 12, 2006)

July 12, 2006
You may lose some hair. Increase your protein. You might want to check with a reputable beauty salon to see if you can get a weave are something of that nature. My partner cut her hair, she didn't lose a lot, and it grew back.
   — the7thdean

July 12, 2006
I have think and coarse hair...I do have some natural curls, however, I would love a perm also because I want to control the curls. I am a little over 3 months and I plan to wait until I am about 9 months out to have a perm, just to be on the safe side. Becki
   — brosane

July 12, 2006
I had thinning hair before the surgery and about 3 months after surgery it started really falling out. It's getting better now but my hairstylist will not do anything to my hair except cut it. She told me she probably won't do anything to it for another 6 months or so. So just be careful......Hope this helps. Seanna
   — seanna

July 12, 2006
I have been a stylist for twenty years, I would wait for at least 9 months post-op. When you do decide to get a perm you need to have the stylist use a protein treatment prior to the perm, some of the treatments are put in your hair and then they wrap it. You might want to gice some thought to a new cut.. Having some layers put in gives a thicker look.
   — Jules O.

July 12, 2006
I, too, have baby fine hair. It had always been straight and hard to curl. I waited a year to have a perm because I was afraid to lose hair. I did have some breakage but not a whole lot. The big difference was that my hair was no longer as hard to curl. I ended up with small, kinky curls. As a result, I got my hair cut short into layers. Now I'm still waiting for it to grow out so I can pull it into a ponytail, my summer hairstyle of choice. So the bottom line is to find a stylist who you trust and to expect the unexpected. Your hair may not behave like it previously had. Good luck and best wishes for health and happiness.
   — djfoz

July 17, 2006
I, too, have very fine hair. The same person has been doing my hair for about 17 years now. I was 2 years out before he would give me a perm because I was having protein issues and had also become anemic. Your beautician knows best. If you have one person that you've gone to and trust, ask him/her. Otherwise, I would wait. 7 weeks is really soon. I was horrible with my protein and started losing hair by the clumps so I had to increase my protein greatly. Of course, I still have fine hair...that's my mother's fault...but I'm very careful with it!!! Good luck!!!
   — gkeith1971

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