hair loss

I am starting to panic about how much hair i am losing. when does it stop and what can i do to help it stop. I am 4 months ryn post. and have lost 69lbs.    — pinky_711 (posted on March 30, 2009)

March 30, 2009
The hair loss is scary. I thought I would go bald. Start on hair and skin vitamins. There are some shampoos that help as well. Keep your protien levels up. It will stop. Don't worry.
   — trible

March 30, 2009
I lost my hair for over a year...cried all the time when I brushed it. Paid tons of money for shampoo's vitimins, took test after test for my protein levels... the only thing you can do it wait it out. try a new short hair cut.. it's helps get ya thru the hair loss process.
   — willish

March 30, 2009
It lasts about 3 months total...There really is nothing that stops it except time. I tried everything like most do...I continues takeing B vitamins and Biotin...and I still do..It does stop at about 3 months after it starts. Keep checking for regrowth at your hair line...Mine began showing up after about 2 months even though I was still losing hair for another month...I could see new hair coming in around my forehead...and I knew it was going to be okay! I had super long waist length hair that I cut 6-8 inches off and kept in a pony tail or just loosely pinned up to keep it out of my food and undies and off the floor! It was so scary and annoying...But it stopped and my hair and it's texture is so different now...It's so shiny and curly and a much softer texture (used to be wiry, frizzy, wavy and lack luster) Hang in there!
   — .Anita R.

March 30, 2009
Your hair will return to normal after awhile. It could up to a year though. Also, you might want to have your thyroid levels checked as well. I have to take a thyroid supplement but I lost hair longer, I think because my levels were messed up. Once that got cleared up, I noticed new hair growth at my hair line. The hair lose is from the surgery (trauma) and the weight lose and the protein; you put them all together and that is what happens. You won't go bald though. The rate of hair lose seems like it though. But you are growing new as the old is coming out. Best Wishes to you. I use the shampoo called Biotin. It really makes your hair feel thick after just a few times of using it.
   — Kristy

March 30, 2009
Hi, I am 9 months out, I have lost 85 lbs. I will tell you that the hair loss is going to continue for a few months. It has just stopped falling out for me. I thought it would never stop but it finally did. Keep your chin up it will stop.
   — psciarrino

March 30, 2009
I am right there with you. I am almost 4 months post RNY and my hair loss started last month. I have( a lot of hair, but the amount that I am losing each time I wsh my hair scares the holy heck out of me. I researched and researched, bought special vitamins, bought expensive shampoos then finally made an appointment with my primary doctor and my surgeon's office, had blood work done etc. In the end, as long as we are taking all our vitamins and protein there is nothing we can do but wait it out. I was told that if you are already taking a B-complex vitamin that you do not need to take biotin, it won't do any good because your body won't absorb it. Also, becareful of the hair and nail vitamins they have a lot of vitamin A. They use it as a filler, but too much.......for post RNY'ers we only need 10,000 mg's. Most hair and nail vitamins have up to 3000 mg each tablet. Excess vitamin A is stored in "fat" cells so be careful. I've since then tried to stay calm. It works some days but not all! I bought a good screen for my drain, drink lots of water, try not to wash my hair as often as I normally would, use hair ties to keep my hair away from food and HOPE and PRAY that this will too end soon. Good luck to you and BTW keep up the great work on your weight loss....after all, that is the more important goal! Our hair will grow back.........hopefully our weight will not! (smile)
   — Fircrkr64

March 30, 2009
I am almost 4 months out and started losing my hair about a month ago. It was something I knew would probably happen. when I asked my doc about it, he said it is because I wasn't getting enough protein 2 months ago. The extra Vitamins and Shampoos probably won't work, because it is a lack of protein. my surgeon had the Surgery years ago and said he aie plenty of protein and still lost his hair. Some of it may be because of the anesthesia, also. He Said just get protein now and wait it out. Everything will be fine.
   — Dawn A.

March 31, 2009
My hair lose started at the three month marker. It stopped about a year later but when the hair was growing in it stayed as stubbs for the longest time. Like the others - it has to do with protein.A friend of mine had her grow back in curly.
   — Muggs

April 2, 2009
It has been almost 18 months since my surgery and I am still loosing my hair. I take The Vitamin Shoppe brand Hair, Skin and Nail vitamins. They worked wonders with my nails and my hair is not falling out in clumps any more. The down fall is they are large and you have to take 3 a day
   — chrissybell

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