has anyone had there port come loose?

I Had this done in Mexico due to self pay .Dr was great ,Hospital good ,Had lap band done in Oct 09,Had 1 fill went again last month to find port has left its spot,Iam looking for a Dr up here I can go and have to have the port reattatched Iam in need of help can anyone help me find a DR that would be resonable priced I live in Austin Texas? Email [email protected]    — contitracy (posted on February 23, 2010)

February 23, 2010
Hi I do not have a doc name for you but are you sure the port is disconnected? My port moved which i guess can be common but it is still attached my doc will be doing my next fill under fluro and xray to ensure port location. Shauna
   — Figler5

February 23, 2010
I am not from you area but I had to have my port replaced, it had broke away from where it was stitched. There is a Yahoo msg board based out of Dallas area that maybe can be of help to you, it is DFW Bandsters best of luck!
   — Jordiesmama69

February 24, 2010
Tracy, there are four places for the port to be stitched. It is unlikely that all four have come loose. It can flip over if two come loose. An exam with fluro can tell you for sure. THere are wonderful docs in the Austin area. Unfortunately, finding one willing to accept liability for a surgery done in Mexico is a little difficult. The docs charges are all going to be about the same. I would call a few listed under "Bariatric Surgeons" and ask if that doc takes revisions and/or repairs on surgeries done in Mexico. Best of luck to you!
   — Bonnie H.

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