Has anyone intentionally stopped loosing wt, before reaching a normal BMI

I am 5'6" and wt. 170, wearing size 8s and looking nice and slender. Highest normal BMI/wt is suppose to be 154. I don't really think I want to be a size 6, if you can believe that, so thinking about staying where I am or maybe just loosing another 10 lbs. I am almost 6 months out, post RNY, HW 240. Any thoughts?    — Jane W. (posted on October 22, 2010)

October 22, 2010
Jane, HUGE congratulations on your success!!!! We are all different, but you need to do what makes you happy. I personally think it is a very good idea to get to a normal BMI if you can. There is a good reason for that, your health! Another thing to consider is this...many of us fight not to regain our weight after the initial loosing period. I know you can't imagine that now, but it can happen. I am 5'6" and weigh 180. I can't get the rest off to save my life, and would give anything to be 160. I still wear a size 12! Good luck with what ever you decide and know that you are a great success!
   — Bonnie H.

October 22, 2010
First, congratulations, I too am 5 foot 6 and down to 170 at six months post surgery but I still wear size 12...would love to be in an 8! I go to support group and there is an older lady who had the surgery 5 years ago and lost 80 pounds..she doe not want to loose any more even though she is still obviously overwieght because of the skin issue. She likes having some fat in her face etc to avoid more wrinkles. To me it does not make sense. I want to loose another 40 pounds and I exercise so not facing the loose skin.
   — tfqh99

October 23, 2010
Congradulations on your weight loss and being a size 8!!! A quick question for you. What does your doctor say and how does your blood work look? Between the doctor and the blood work, they can give you the best idea of good your overall health is. You can then make a more knowledgeable decision on how you want to proceed.
   — Kathleen W.

October 23, 2010
I am in your same boat. I have lost a little over 70 pounds in 9 months and have been stuck at 170 for 2 months now. I'm not unhappy about it. I'm in a size 12, and if I never lost any more weight, I could be satisfied with staying here. My diabetes is under control, my bolld pressure is very good, and my blood work is good, so I am really satisfied. Plus I am going through some upheaval right now, so I will be happy just not to gain over the next few months. My plateau isn't intentional, but it's okay with me.
   — pshock

October 24, 2010
Thank you all for your comments. I see surgeon's NP/NUT and get the results of my lab work in about a week. I will definately want to hear what they say/think. I am 60 and have loose skin, not bad, but it is there. Exercise isn't going to fix that, and it's not bad enough at this point so I am not considering plastic surgery at this point. I use to weigh 140 in my 30s and didn't think I was too thin, but that was 30 yrs ago, don't know that it would look that good on me now... Anyway, I guess I will hear what they say, keep eating like I am now and will probably try to go ahead and get to nl BMI. It's just at this point I can't imagine what I would look like 20 lbs lighter and/since I look good now..... Again thank-you all, and any other comments would be appreciated. Jane
   — Jane W.

October 24, 2010
Congrats on your success. I REALLY recommend you get as low as you can. Weight regain does occur:( I am over 9 years out and a bit heavier than I would like but still very happy. WLS is the BEST DECISION I ever made in my entire life! Get as low as your surgeon wants! Then regain wouldnt bother you so much!
   — bob-haller

November 6, 2010
Hi Jane.....welcome aboard the success wagon. I started at 247 11 mos ago & had RNY gastric bypass.....I'm down to 140 and in size 6. I'm 47 so have some extra skin but it's tolerable. I think my Dr. wanted me to hit 130 but I'm fine with where I'm at. He says most give back 10-20 lbs after their 1st year goes by. My blood levels are perfect, having some hair loss but started with thick hair so just started taking 5000mcg of Biotin daily as read on here that it helps. I notice more wrinkles in my face but really happy with the outcome so far. Keep up the good work and do whatever makes YOU happy :-)
   — 3decks

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