Could you wonderful people who this surgery has given you a new lease on life please

email me a little about yourself/pain/comorbidies. etc. so that I may take your emails with me when I go to my appeal (in person)    — BRENDA C. (posted on November 23, 2002)

November 23, 2002
Hi there, I am exactly 4 weeks post-op and feel great. I am 5'2" and weighed 220 lbs. I didn't have too many problems prior to surgery but wanted to ward off diabetes, etc. My Mother had diabetes, stroke and congestive heart failure and died at 60. I did not want the same thing to happen to me. My insurance approved me the first try and I have lost about 23 lbs since surgery. I do hope that all goes well for you. I will say that my lower back no longer hurts and I feel like shopping ALL DAY long!
   — Toni T.

November 23, 2002
Brenda, I am 32 and 5'2.5" and weighed at my highest 282 lbs (size 28/30). My body was literally crushing me to death. I had high blood pressure, and pains so bad in my legs and ankles that my husband would have to help me get over a standard street curb. I was on prescription drugs for both High BP and pain. I would hobble, not walk. I had to use multiple pillows at night to prop my weight up so I could breath. I couldn't keep proper personal hygiene. I was a cubby child, overweight teen and a morbidly obese adult...I could see a progression to housebound middle aged person, and dead before I could be a senior citizen. I tried, with much determination to stick to almost any diet you can think of without much success. Trying to fight hunger and an enourmous appetite was unbearable. Gastric bypass surgery has given me the ability to stick to a healthy diet. I do still have to watch what I eat and exercise, it's not a free ride. It is not the easy way out, but at least I now have a "fighting chance" at loosing weight and maintaining a healthy weight successfully. I don't have an unbearable appetite sabotaging my efforts. I now weight 142 lbs (size 10/12) and am completely off meds for pain and BP. I am a healthy, productive, fully functioning person now. I owe it all to RNY gastric bypass. I would strongly recommend the surgery to any MO person whose been cleared by a physician and desires to have the surgery, to have the surgery. Brenda, God bless you on your wls journey. -Kim open RNY 7/17/01 -140 lbs (and still loosing)
   — KimBo36

November 23, 2002
Brenda, you should tell us a little about yourself-height, weight, co-morbidities, what brought you to this point to seek WLS. That way, others who started the same as you can email and their stories would better suit your appeal. Good luck.
   — Cindy R.

November 23, 2002
You may want to read my profile. My experience began badly. I am well now.
   — Karla K.

November 23, 2002
Copy and paste my profile
   — Linda A.

November 23, 2002
I was a 30-year old woman who suffered from obstructive sleep apnea, high blood pressure, low potassium, acute adema misdiagnosed as lymphedema, severe allergies that required an inhaler, oral meds (Claritin+D)and a nasal medication, severe back pain that required two prescriptions in order to function, chronic knee and ankle injuries that required braces and meds to control pain and swelling, and that's just the beginning. I could not walk more than one block without sweating and hyperventilating, had difficulty working although I always did, and I kept myself in an occupational filed that accepted the obese even though I was seriously overqualified and underpaid. I weighed over 400 lbs and was slowly dying. I am 7 months post op--I can walk 4-5 miles without problems, beleive in the philosophies of Pilates and practice 2-3 times per week, can care for my 2-year old without hurting myself or breaking a sweat (and that's saying A LOT--she's a firecracker!), and I can buy clothing in a regular store, I no longer suffer from ANY of the comorbidities that cost my insurance company over $400.00 per month and I have lost 143 lbs to date!
   — jenn2002

November 23, 2002
I was a morbidly obese woman with a BMI of 47.7, just 6 months ago. Now I weigh 178 lbs and my BMI barely classifies me as obese (almost overweight). My obstructive sleep apnea is gone, my knees don't hurt anymore and I have the greatest self esteem I have ever had. Without weight loss surgery I'd surely be well over 300 lbs by now. I am so thankful I had the courage to have this life saving surgery!
   — KCAllen77

November 24, 2002
Hi, I was 342 at my initial consult and officially 336 pre op although my highest weight on medical records was 350 and I am 31. Have battled with weight my entire life... with co-morbidities of diabetes and high blood pressure. My diabetes is weight related and was beginning to make my kidneys excrete excessive protein... prior to surgery I was on 2 blood sugar medications, 1 ace inhibitor ( beta blocker) that had a dual function because of my kidneys and also my high blood pressure, a regular blood pressure medication, and a diuretic. I have always been very active despite my weight however I am noticing now that I have had the surgery my energy levels are much greater. I will be 8 weeks post-op this Tuesday and have lost 42 lbs... have dropped the diuretic and one blood sugar pill and my blood sugars have only been high when I was fighting a cold...Best of luck in your journey.
   — Laurie F.

November 24, 2002
I can honestly say that I totally have a new lease on life. I felt horrible before surgery, sweaty and in pain all the time just yucky. You know how people after they loose weight say they have so much more energy. Well....I HAVE SO MUCH ENERGY it is totally unbelievable. I just moved this weekend to a large house and moved for 3 days straight up and down stairs and I still had more energy to go after all of that. I am sore like any normal person but I feel great. It changes everything.. your outlook your inside looks at your self it is just really weird. I think the mental adjustments of this surgery are far greater than the painful parts. You have to really adjust your way of thinking about food. Break up with it if you will. You will do fine and it is worth all that you have to go thru to have it done. Good Luck Peggy open rny 9/20 -55ish #'s
   — Peggy A.

November 25, 2002
To say I have a new lease on life is a huge understatement! I feel and look so much better even at two months post op (down by 40 lbs.). My only regret is not having it done sooner. I was taking 200 units of insulin every day. I now take ZERO insulin! I was taking approx. 18 prescription pills / day, now I take only TWO! All this has led to a new me. My last name says it all NEW-MAN. My cardiologist made a comment on my post-op visit that startled me. He stated that when I last saw him (11 mos. ago) he wouldn't have given me 10 more years to live (I'm only 38). When he saw my sucess, he said he would have to take that back! A new lease on life? You BET!!
   — Charlie N.

November 25, 2002
I was 350 pounds with high blood pressure, severe sleep apnea and used a CPAP machine to sleep. I had elevated liver enzymes, diabetes, and gout that was so bad I couldn't go a single day without taking my Allopurinol. One week after my surgery I stopped taking my pressure medication and my gout meds. I no longer take any medication, my sugar levels are normal, I threw away my CPAP machine and am in perfect health so let them review that! Good luck to you. Mike
   — Michael N.

November 25, 2002
Brenda, I have some reflections on my profile that were written on my 3-year anniversary from my RNY. They might be helpful. hugs, Ann rny 9/10/99 260/124
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 26, 2002
I'm 42 years old. I went into surgery at 349 lbs. I am only 11 weeks out.( I have a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way to go )But I will share the changes(milestones) I have experienced in this short time.. I can tie my own shoes now. My seatbelt fits. I'm off my blood pressure medicine. I can "DO" stairs normally. My knees aren't preventing me from walking now. I can buy clothes in the Big Girl Stores now (previously I had to order from catalogs) I now LOVE exercising-Curves 4days a week is the BEST. I sleep like a baby now. My back doesn't constantly ache anymore. I don't even THINK about food now. I smile all the time. Oh, yea, I'm off the Prozac (that I took for the last six years) I have more energy, and love for my family. I am so thankful for each gorgeous day! AND THIS ONLY THE BEGINNING.....75 off, a hundred to go. This has been so "right" and so life changing. I get tears of gratitude in my eyes whenever I think of this blessed, life SAVING surgery.
   — Debby M.

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