
Hi can anyone give me a list of diets that have been tried and failed. I would like to prepair a letter listing all these diets . thank you    — cathywalden (posted on February 26, 2003)

February 26, 2003
Here is a small list I can think of (I did most of these):<p> -Weight Watchers<p> -Jenny Craig <p> -Atkins<p> -L.A. Weight Loss Center <p> -Lucille Roberts (has their own diet)<p> -Nutrisystem <p> -SlimFast <p> -The Zone diet <p> Can't think of anymore- hope this helps!
   — Lezlie Y.

February 26, 2003
In addition to the others I see listed, There is also TOPS, Susan Powter's " stop the insanity", Richard Simmons, The Diet Center, Dexetrim, Optifast, Low Calorie, Cabbage Soup, Grapefruit, and this may sound nuts, but I even told them that I had tried nearly every new diet I read about in magazines. I was approved within 2 weeks of it being submitted.
   — Shelly G.

February 26, 2003
Also, I have tried the Susane Sommers, high protein low carb, and I have been on the ADA for the last 10 years. that is the American Diabetes Association.
   — cindy

February 26, 2003
Nutri-System, Adkins, Avon has Shakes, as well as Shaklee, Slimfast, Jenny Craig, 1200 and 1800 Calorie Diets from your PCP, Joining Excercise Groups and then there's over the counter drugs, candies etc.
   — Sally P.

February 26, 2003
I think your letter is supposed to include names of diets that YOU have tried and failed at. Not what other people have tried.
   — Delores S.

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