Has anyone had to switch insurance after surgery still going thru post op?

I am 3 months post op and am starting a new job. I am not sure what to do insurance wise because I need to continue post-op , and plan to have tt done later on. I have the choice of doing Cobra, but that is $281 a month. Do we have to keep the same insurance for all of this, because the new one won't cover anything, or will new one cover tt, and office visits. If anyone has any ideas please help!!    — Rosie W. (posted on March 6, 2003)

March 6, 2003
I knew before my surgery that I would be changing providers literally days after my operation. I called the new provider to double check and they told me that as long as there was no lapse in coverage (also told me that there was a 60 day grace period to still be considered as no lapse) then there would be no pre-existing exclusions and I would just need to make sure the proper referrals were redone thru the new insurance. The new ins that gave me this info was Anthem BCBS through BCBSMA. I would suggest calling your new insurance company and asking them what their policies are concerning switches in coverage. Good Luck!!
   — Rhoni333

March 7, 2003
I had surg oct and my husbands work changed our ins in dec. the new ins said the same thing as last post that as long as there is no lapse in coverage they would cover. but they only paid for 2 post office visits and will no longer pay for the post op visits said my primary physician can take it from there which i dont like but there is nothing i can i was also told that your old ins is responsible for anything 90 days after surgery regardless what you do because it is considered major surgery.
   — qtalleycat68

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